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『♡』written: 10:21pmfinished: 10:22pmwc: 930

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written: 10:21pm
finished: 10:22pm
wc: 930


jisung read the words, his mind making up things that he could barely even understand. he already knew who that could have been since there was one option and no more. it appeared as clear and clean like glass.

he felt stupid for seriously believing that yugyeom would leave him alone as soon as he blew the cover off of him, accepting his failure.

scrumbling up the paper as he put it in the pocket of his pants to dispose it later, he headed away, trying to forget the fact that the boy was still after him.

all he wanted to do was sleep or take the next plane to australia just to be safe that minho and everything else was okay, but he wasn't capable of doing either which led the animal in the cage of his mind to grow even more tired.

he missed minho so much and there actually wasn't anything poetic about it.

knowing that he shouldn't take the black words on the paper to heart under any circumstances, he somehow started to believe them even though everything inside of him screamed no.

he slammed the locker shot, completely ignoring the weirded out stares from the other students that were just passing by, with them a tall, black haired boy who was smiling in a way that words couldn't describe.

jisung headed away quickly, his steps steady as he tried not to trip and fall just like his mood did as soon as the dirty piece of paper dropped from the drab locker.

skipping class usually wasn't something he would do but he really couldn't help the rage ascending inside of his rib cage right now or any time soon.

though unfortunately, he was kind of used to it by now.

finally reaching the bus stop, he noticed that the bus was already gone.

he had to wait thirty more minutes and that was the last thing he would've wanted to do, so he took out his phone, put on some music and simply walked his way home alone.

well he wasn't fully alone since the loud noise coming from his earphones accompanied his rowdy mind a bit, making thinking seem slightly less difficult.

he exhaled the normally warm august air that just seemed to suddenly be so cold now.

he was lost in his own thoughts, at least until the music suddenly stopped, being replaced with the annoying sound of a phone ringing.

who in hell?

grabbing his phone, he quickly took a glance at the screen. felix.

he already heard the deep voice on the other side of the line as he answered the call.

worry was lying in the boys voice and jisung could only guess why. "han jisung where the fuck are you?"

"woah there." he started. "i skipped class. what else did you think?"

a heavy sigh was audible as felix started to talk again. "why are you skipping class? you wouldn't."

"let's just pretend i'm sick?" suggested jisung even though he knew damn well that he wasn't at all.

"okay. sick of?"

"you got me there. sick of weird people who send me weird letters." he could practically hear felix's confusion through the phone.


"there's this guy in my english class and unfortunately, he has a crush on me. he was also the one that stole my phone just by the way." he exhaled the air. "and now that we don't talk anymore he sent a weird letter." sighing sadly, he looked up to the sky.

"is his name yugyeom?"

"how did you know?"

felix let out a silent chuckle. "i've heard similar things about him. some people said that he attacked a student just recently, one claimed to have filmed it but i never saw the actual video so, i don't know."

jisung didn't quite know what to do with that information. if he was getting weird love letters from someone who was insane enough to attack a student, he'd rather not go outside for as long as possible.

"he has a crush on you? but aren't you and minho a couple?"

"we are a couple and i'm not gonna fall in love with some boy just because he isn't here right now. yugyeom can kindly fuck off"

"anyways, i have to hang up. see you?"

"see you."

after that, the call had ended and when five more minutes passed, jisung arrived at home, his mother glancing at him in confusion. though the boy somehow managed to come up with an excuse for his early arrival at home.

he quickly flashed her a smile before heading upstairs to his room, his hideaway.

everything was okay inside there. it wasn't about the decor since there wasn't any, it was about the safety and care that filled the walls, a calm vibe.

no odd letters, no dreadfully loud noises, no usual coldness.

but he was torn from his thoughts when a small sound that repeated itself multiple times was audible.

picking up the phone, he didn't look at the screen since he knew it would probably be felix again anyway.

"hello?" there wasn't a reply at first and he was about to hang up soon, but then the person on the other side of the line said something nevertheless.

"your voice- god. i missed you so, so much."

it wasn't lee felix, but in fact lee minho. and maybe this day wasn't as bad as it seemed at first.

thank you for 1k reads. it means a lot to me :(💞💞

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