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『♡』written: 4:02pmfinished: 2:14pmwc: 670

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written: 4:02pm
finished: 2:14pm
wc: 670

jisung tapped his feet impatiently on the wooden flor of his room. staring at the ceiling with music in his ears, he sighed. yugyeom was two minutes late and jisung wanted to get it over with tutoring yugyeom in english as quickly as possible.

he had homework to do himself and at this point, as mean as it might sounded, the mushroom boy was just a burden.

he made a mental note for himself to never agree on helping someone in any class ever again.

only when he finally heard the bell ring his mood ligtened up a bit.

putting down his phone onto his table, he shuffled down the stairs and opened the door to be greeted with an uncertain looking yugyeom as soon as he reached it.

he didn't want to make the boy apologize for two minutes straight again, so he decided not to mention him being late. it were only seven minutes anyway, no big deal.

there wasn't a solid reason for him to rile up anyway.

yugyeom greeted him with a little hi as soon as he entered the small house. jisung did the same. there wasn't much to talk about since they saw eachother at school already.

as soon as the older was done taking off his jacket and stuff they sat on jisung's bed in a jiffy like they usually did.

"do you have your books?"

"yeah of course." the taller chuckled lightly as he grabbed his bag from the floor.

he ripped it open and reached out for the english books. they had two since they weren't allowed to write in one of them.

"okay so..." jisung crossed his legs as yugyeom slammed the books on his bed. "what do you need to know?"

"vocabulary?" jisung was about to flip a table.

"seriously? you can do vocabulary at home. you just have to read them a few times and memorize the vocabulary. it's not that hard." he wasn't harsh and tried to say that as kindly as possible.

which worked because yugyeom hasn't started to apologize yet.

in all honesty, jisung felt quite sorry for the ravenette. he didn't do him any harm and jisung still couldn't help but be irritated by him. he should probably just get himself together.

but sadly a part of him was missing.

"well you wanted to know what i wanted to do so..."

that fucker.

"yeah okay i can test you if you want me to." yugyeom seemed satisfied with that so it was okay for jisung.

even though he wanted to waste his time with other things. such as doing his god damn homework.

the teachers were wilding and decided to give him homework in five classes. oh how beautiful.

yugyeom did pretty good though. he expected him to be lacking, but he was really good and it seemed as if he wasn't even putting any effort into it.



"are you sure that you need help in english? i mean you're doing good." yugyeom looked at him in confusion as he nodded reassuringly.

he remembered the words this weird boy— mark, said to him a few days ago. he isn't what he pretends to be.

i'm probably just overreacting. jesus christ.

jisung narrowed his eyes but let it slide anyway.

after a hour passed, they were done. jisung let out a relieved sigh he didn't know he was holding after yugyeom finally left the house. though he still felt bad for always being pissed-off by the black haired male.

but thinking about it wouldn't change anything .

jisung was happy. well, he was. until he remembered all the homework left that he had to do due tomorrow.

sltting down on his table again, he grabbed the first book and continued by filling empty lines with his writing.

after some time it became dark outside.

and he wanted to check what time it was. but his phone wasn't there anymore.

hasn't he left it there though?

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