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『♡』written: 7:40amfinished: 3:37pmwc: 925

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written: 7:40am
finished: 3:37pm
wc: 925

„is this a joke?" jisung threw his hands in the air, furrowing his brows. one of the teachers gave him detention even though he did literally nothing wrong.

but of course she had to mistake him for the boy next to him who won't shut up for a second.

„supposedly, it's not." said the red haired boy next to him, rubbing his back in a comforting way.

„no wonder minho hates her so much." jisung sighed as seungmin's head shot up. „speaking of minho, how is he? we haven't texted in forever." he tilted his head, making his red hair fall into his forehead.

„he's fine." told the older in response. „even though he hates almost everything and everyone there." he added with a sorrowful expression forming on his face. "he's a little bit emo."

seungmin nodded. „you miss him a lot, right?"

a heavy sigh was heard. „words can't really describe how much." the talking boy lowered his head now facing the worksheet as seungmin gave him a pityful look.

"why do they give us students detention anyway? they don't let us study or do our homework there. other schools let their students to homework even in detention. that's so unfair." jisung whined as he slammed his head on the table. "okay but that hurt like a buttcheek on a stick."

seungmin let out a quiet giggle as he widened his eyes at the sudden noise. „don't slam your head on the table, i think you're losing braincells."

„i have one braincell and share it with minho anyway."

„that's relationshipgoals." replied seungmin. „i know right." jisung raised his head to face his worksheet again, proceeding to read the next sentence. „what the fu- okay you know what i'm just going to stop being a whiny little bitch and actually do what i need to do." he rolled his eyes at himself and grabbed the paper.

seungmin just nodded again and started minding his own business.

lunch was such a boring time when your friends decide to go outside even though it's cold as hell. thank god seungmin hates the cold air too.

„okay you know what? nevermind." exclaimed jisung after a good two minutes. „i'm not going to get my shit together."

„as expected from you." gave the red haired boy as response to which the older male let out a gasp.

„okay so- oh look, the others are finally back." seungmin said, emphasizing the finally as he gazed at hyunjin with narrowed eyes. jisung's mouth formed an o.

hyunjin just smiled at seungmin and the others sat down on the table, chan next no jisung and changbin next to chan.

felix and jeongin sat on the other side talking about some game while woojin was minding his own business.

everyone was there except for minho and as much as jisung tried to overcome it, the pain of missing his boyfriend won't go away. it came in waves.

sometimes there was just this small prickle that was easy to ignore but then there suddenly was this ache that never seemed to stop and he couldn't control at all.

it's unbearable.

„jisung?" felix who was talking to jeongin just a few seconds ago raised his head to look at him. „hm?"

„everything okay?" the peach haired boy had a worried expression on his face. „yeah." jisung smiled quickly and felix nodded, then turning his head back in jeongin's direction.


the bell rang after seventh period and the hallways were filled with happy students within seconds. speaking of jisung, he just wore an annoyed expression on his face. he had detention and he didn't, really didn't want to go and face the stupid annoying teacher there.

he headed through the corridors, trying to find room c8. „where the fuck- oh." he whispered to himself as he found the room.

not waiting a moment, he entered the room with his eyes focussed on the floor since he didn't want to make any eye contact. he sat down at the back as he dropped his heavy bag. he could feel the looks of the teacher on his forehead.

„han jisung. you're late."

the addressed male quickly raised his head and then gave a halfhearted „i'm sorry mrs." as an answer.

she nodded and jisung lowered his head again, hoping it will be over fast.

„han jisung?" the boy next to him whispered. jisung groaned as he rolled his eyes. „what?" he responded just as quiet as the boy.

he had black mushroom hair and looked tall as hell.

he anxiously widened his eyes when he noticed how pissed jisung was. „i-i'm sorry to disturb you. i've j-just noticed that you're really good in english since we have that class together so i wanted to ask if you could maybe help me in that subject? i-it's okay if you-"

„yeah sure." jisung just said that so that the boy would shut up. „if you do- wait, really?" a wide smile was plastered on his face.

jisung nodded slowly, trying not to appear annoyed.

„okay, c-can you give me your number? so that i can text you and we can meet up you know?"

how the hell did the teacher not notice the two boys in the back yet? nobody knows.

jisung just nodded again, grabbed a piece of paper silently and messily wrote his number on it. then he handed it to the boy. „what's your name?" jisung looked him in the eye.

„yugyeom- kim yugyeom."

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