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『♡』written: 11:22pmfinished: 11:56pmwc: 972

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written: 11:22pm
finished: 11:56pm
wc: 972

jisung felt his heart sink as soon as he entered the small coffee shop along with chan and felix.

the two boys kept on talking in english to which he responded with a desperate groan in hope for them to finally cease it.

but he didn't have the time to be angry about it, anyway. the boy was too busy being sad about small things, such as the fact that he and minho had their first ever date in this exact same coffee shop.

"okay sorry." chan finally spoke in a language that he was able to understand and after rolling his eyes at chan countless times, felix adapted. the three sat down in the back of the café.

chan quickly noticed the cheerless expression on jisung's face. there wasn't the radiant smile that would usually adorn it.

he remembered how jisung approached him when he and minho were only together for a week. minho had asked him on a date and he didn't know what to wear or how to act.

they were barely fifteen and sixteen.

"because you can dress so nicely." that was what jisung gave him as an excuse to help him.

but it was obvious that he, being the anxious mess he is, just wanted some advice since he's never ever been on a real date before back then.

minho and jisung were best friends and he was the only one who knew about jisung's cursh on minho.

and now he could only guess how much not seeing him must hurt, not only jisung.

"you good?" felix next to him tilted his head as he poked his cheek, trying to pull him out of his thoughts.

chan flinched as he backed out of his mind, finally perceiving his surroundings to the fullest again. "just thinking." the younger nodded.

soon, a waitress came to take their orders, smiling politely. they all ordered the same thing, simply iced coffee. and after she walked away, felix began to talk about this and that again.

though jisung was still curious about what that boy knew about yugyeom and his odd doings. everything with minho was solved now, but that didn't prevent him from wondering. not at all.

and nothing prevented him from voicing out the thoughts that seemed to accompany him in every moment either.

"felix?" the addressed boy swiftly turned his face to jisung as he raised a brow. "what is it?"

"is there anything new about the thing with yugyeom?" the hopeful undertone in the male's voice quickly faded when felix shook his head.

though soon enough a different feeling entered his head, because chan scowled behind him with narrowed eyes, appearing almost sinister. jisung searched for the older's eyes with a perplexed state of mind as he never saw him with such an obscure expression. he looked like a completely foreign person.

and when the exact same expression formed on felix's face he could almost guess what or rather who was behind him.

he turned his head around, observing the tall figure. his guess was confirmed and he didn't like that at all. yugyeom took notice of that and didn't waste the opportunity to aggravate the other, obviously.

"did you like the letter?" a smirk formed on his face.

just when jisung opened his mouth to tell him to leave them alone, felix was faster. "do you like how eveybody here feels nothing but pure pity for how you're so desperate? yeah?" that sentence led chan to choke on the coffee the waitress had just brought.

yugyeom didn't expect that and it showed, because all he could think of as an answer was a short what. felix dramatically rolled his eyes as he continued. "oh look how vulnerable he suddenly became. how pathetic." he snapped.


"in case you didn't understand it yet; leave us alone. nobody and especially jisung wants you here." the tall male's expression became blank, almost lifeless. "no."

jisung didn't know what was going on because he never thought that the usually bubbly and kind felix who couldn't even hurt a fly would use such harsh words. but he could get used to this side of him.

"well sucks to be you then, because we're leaving." and with that, the blond-haired guided the other two out of the coffee shop, of course not without the coffee, leaving a completely bewildered yugyeom behind.

nobody said a thing until they were multiple hundred meters away from the place. but when chan started to crackle everyone lost their shit.

"that— that was amazing." jisung couldn't contain himself. people were already shooting annoying glances their way, but none of them really cared at all.

"—and then he looked at him and— oh my god he looked so dead inside i wish you would've been there to see it."

it was 10pm in seoul which meant that australia was already engulfed in an inky sea of black with only a few unpainted spots. but minho couldn't sleep and neither could jisung, so they did what they always did.

"i would've loved to be there too." said the older in reply, feeling glad that someone had put yugyeom in place, because maybe, just maybe he'll finally give up.

"i kinda wanna dye my hair." jisung supported his head with the palm of his hand as he thought about what color would fit him best. "again? how are you not bald yet?" minho chuckled.

the younger gazed at the older's contact photo, loving how his laughter still made his heart skip a beat.

"what about orange?" he suggested, making minho grin at the bare thought of his boyfriend with that colour. it would suit him and he couldn't deny it.

"that would be the death of me."

"orange it is then."

not proofread

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