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part one of the ending :^)

『♡』written: 10:35pmfinished: 11:41pmwc: 868

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written: 10:35pm
finished: 11:41pm
wc: 868

it was the fourteenth of september, the birthday of han jisung and everyone was excited as ever. except for jisung. surely, he was happy about all the effort his friends put into the party, but there was something missing. something that has been missing for eleven months and the orange haired boy knew that no matter how happy he was, it'll never be fully genuine until he finally found that particular missing piece again.

it was a cloudy saturday, 3pm and it seemed as if time was passing at an unusually fast pace. jisung's mom had woken him up beforehand because she knew damn well that her son would've just slept until evening just like he did every weekend. the older woman wished him happy birthday and made him his favorite food, even though he was now eighteen. which was something he didn't even realize to the fullest.

minho sent him a whole long paragraph including all the little flaws he loved about jisung, that was why the boy's eyes were currently wet and a little red. it made him remark what he had found in minho all over again.

his heart was racing and he wasn't quite sure if that was because of the energy drink in his right hand or the paragraph. not that he was complaining, he was used to the oddly fast heartbeat.

minho also said that he'll call him in the evening when all their friends were gone and jisung was beyond happy that the distance between the two of them didn't define their relationship. because their relationship was everything but distant.


the door bell ringed as soon as the clock struck seven. jisung's parents went away and left the house for him and his friends since they trusted him enough to let him take care of the house for a day or two, which jisung kindly appreciated. he placed his hand on the door handle, pushing it down from the inside, making it open.

the first face he fully catched sight of was hyunjin's, then came chan and after a few seconds the whole group was together. well, almost.

everyone present greeted jisung with hugs, birthday wishes, stupid puns and presents that he felt bad for because if there was one thing he hated, then in was others spending money on him. but today was his eighteenth birthday. as chan said; a day he should lock inside of his memories and never ever let go, so don't worry too much.

they all acted like complete dorks and jeongin even got him a rose colored squirrel plushie which did not only make the youngest squeal to the top of his lungs. as soon as the squirrel like boy took notice of the small plushie he engulfed the younger in a hug full of excitement. nobody exactly knew why jisung had such a soft spot for these small, soft things but they could surely relate.

and not only did jeongin bring a plushie but also the cake he promised to make. the group headed over to the living room and the youngest set the cake on the table next to the couch where the whole group already sat down, jisung in the middle. "where are the candles?" asked changbin. jisung chuckled at the fact that changbin was seriously planning on putting a whole eighteen candles on top of the cake, and he was even more surprised when jeongin took two ten-piece candle packs out of his pocket along with a lighter. he soon had all of them on his selfmade cake.

"you're really expecting me to blow out eighteen candles at once?" jisung raised a brow at jeongin who was proceeding to light the candles. "didn't minho tea-" felix started but got pushed off the couch as he wanted to continue. though everyone in the room got what his unspoken words wanted to convey. "listen hyunjin, if you don't stop laughing i'll choke you." warned seungmin the older next to him who quickly forced himself to stop since he knew damn well that seungmin wasn't playing games.

"okay, blow em out!" exclaimed felix and everyone silently waited in anticipation. the silence didn't last long because hyunjin burst into laughter again. so without any warning, seungmin was strangling the shit out of him. that was until the bell ringed again and he let the taller go who fell down at the couch repeatedly.

"have you invited anyone other than us?" asked chan with an obvious smirk on his lips. jisung furrowed his brows. "hey, what's up with that smirk on your lips?" the older looked exposed. "i have no idea what you're talking about. now go and open the door or whoever is going to get impatient." jisung suspiciously nodded his head and got up from where he was sitting, walking through the small hallway towards the door.

maybe the boys ordered some pizza without telling him. they were always up to something. he pushed down the handle a second time and with that, opened the door. though he took a step back as soon as he saw who actually stood there, in front of him.

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