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『♡』written: 3:20pmfinished: 11:45pmwc: 849

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written: 3:20pm
finished: 11:45pm
wc: 849

"your voice- god. i missed you so, so much."

it was as if something pushed a button inside of jisung, because as soon as he heard a glimpse of the older's voice tears started to uncontrollably stream down his rosy cheeks. though they weren't filled with sorrow this time, but with pure joy.

and minho felt the exact same way.

even after all the time they sacrificed to worries and fear, no goodbye has ever been said.

it maybe wasn't necessary, but it wasn't worthless either. all the pain and stress they went through didn't make them grow apart, it made them grow even more close than ever before.

these tears seemed to wash away all the nagging bad thoughts and all of that just with one call.

"is it really you?" the younger pinched his own cheek to assure he wasn't dreaming. and the fact that he wasn't still appeared so surreal after all. pulling his hand away from his face because it got wet, he sat down on his bed.

"yes." minho's voice cracked, making it come out more as a question. "god i'm acting as if we were apart for a long time. i'm so overdramatic, sorry." jisung rambled on and on, noticing that the older was also sobbing as if there was no tomorrow.

"actually," minho let out a slight chuckle with tears running down his face. "we were and are apart for a long time." that caused the younger male to sob even more. "shut up."

"look." the younger inhaled the air. "i skipped class and ran through the halls like an angry twelve year old only a hour ago and now i'm bawling my eyes out." he wiped his tears away with the sleeve of his oversized sweater.

"why did you skip, anyway?" skipping wasn't something he was likely do to just because, and minho was aware of that.

jisung let his tired body fall onto the bed as a sigh pushed past his lips. worrying minho wasn't anything he planned on doing, but keeping it to himself would just put the older in a cage built out of confusion and questions in case things got out of hand.

"someone but a letter in my locker and what stood there was concerning to be honest. i think it was yugyeom." minho groaned in annoyance.

he didn't want anybody, and especially not some stranger to harm his boyfriend. thinking about that, he wasn't even in the place to help him out of it in case something happens, at that concerned him even more.

"and i talked to felix. he told me about some rumors of yugyeom attacking some other student. might as well just skip school until everything's solved." he started to chuckle even though it really wasn't the time for it, but to his surprise, minho joined.

"please be careful. i don't want you get hurt." seriousness dripped from his soothing yet shaky voice. "what was in the letter though?"

"i don't exactly remembe- wait, i have it here." jisung took the scrambled piece of paper out of the pocket, noticing that his sleeve was already wet from the endless tears that didn't seem to stop any time soon.

he furrowed his eyes as he read the words out loud. "you're loved by everyone, even me, but i'd call you worthless. that doesn't even make sense."

minho sighed, feeling the familiar bite of anger creep up behind him. he rested his head against the cold wall of his room, not fully knowing how to handle the situation.

he disliked the thought of his boyfriend being in the same building as this lunatic that, as if that wasn't enough, had a crush on him. the worst thing about it was that he's obviously too far away to do anything to protect him.

"minho?" with that, he got pulled out of his thoughts.

"yeah. please be careful. talk to someone that can help you with that as long as i'm not there, okay?" jisung nodded, then realised that he wasn't face to face with the boy on the other end of the line.

"chan already knows about it. he's not so fond about that whole thing either."

the older let out a relieved sigh that he didn't know he was holding in, just as his mother called him to come downstairs.

"i gotta go." minho choked out.

with a sad tone in his voice, jisung answered. "okay. bye. i love you so, so much. don't forget that."

"i won't." neither of them wanted to hang up, which made it even harder. "can i call you tonight?"

"is that even a question?" a smile formed on the older male's face.

"okay my mom won't stop screaming at me to come downstairs. i love you, bye." really not wanting to hang up, minho still did with a heavy heart in his chest.

any other couple would break apart from things like these, but luckily they didn't. they didn't have to be like any other couple; they just had to be themselves.

i have a burning hatred for this chapter

the skz comeback is near and i'm not ready. the mv will be released while i'm at school so i'll migh as well just skip school :(

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