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『♡』written: 1:32pmfinished: 2:05pmwc: 345

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written: 1:32pm
finished: 2:05pm
wc: 345

minho was smiling like a fool while on the other side, there was jisung who kept on complaining about school as if it was his job and he'd excell at it.

the older was used to his constant whining but he could relate because he hated school just as much. jisung ranting about school, or what he would call jail, has become an irreplaceable part of his day.

„-and then this tall ass boy asked me if i could tutor him in english and he kept on talking so i agreed so that he'd shut up and now i regret all my life choices and-" he kept on talking.

„just tell him that you're too busy to tutor him." minho suggested.

„i already gave him my number."

minho sighed. „do you even know him?"

„i only know his name and that he's in my english class." jisung could practically hear the older rolling his eyes through his phone.

why did he even agree on tutoring a boy that he doesn't even know at all in the first place? if he'd cancel now, yugyeom would probably throw him out of the nearest window. talking of his height, he was probably really strong too.

„jesus christ i'm gone for a couple months and you start doing dumb shit." minho chuckled quietly which made jisung's heart flutter.

„i can't change it anyway so i guess i'll die." the younger shrugged.


„i— ah shit jisung. i have to hang up. it's getting late and we have school tomorrow you know." said minho on the other side of the line. jisung furrowed a brow. „it's only 10pm— oh nevermind. there are time zones." he said with a sad tone.

„i don't want to hang up." whined minho. sighing, jisung replied. „me neither."


„okay no seriously, i have to go to sleep."

„okay, good night then. i love you." responded the younger.

„i love you more."

„no you don't— oh he hung up." jisung's room was filled with complete silence again.

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