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『♡』written: 6:02pmfinished: 11:19pmwc: 771

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written: 6:02pm
finished: 11:19pm
wc: 771

things seemed off when jisung got his phone back.

he hasn't had any unread messages from minho. as if he had forgotten about his existence for the past two weeks.

but that was unlikely. minho would blow up his phone as soon as he didn't text back for five hours and he would never stop until he was sure jisung's alive. the younger would do the same.

but being the anxious mess he is, jisung began to question all his life choices.

from was that first breath really necessary to i shouldn't have eaten this strange cereal this morning.

from something was defenitely off to maybe he's fed up with my bullshit and decided he's better off without me.

just the annoying overthinking all those fake depressed twelve year olds found cute and romantic when it really wasn't.

but enough was enough and deep down jisung knew that minho wasn't the type of guy to just play with your heart and he trusted him enough to not believe these thoughts in the end anyway.

so he pushed aside the overthinking and bad thoughts, deciding to text him after two weeks of not hearing a single thing about him.

jisung missed minho more than anything. more than he'd usually do since his boyfriend wasn't there with him.

was it still the same?

it was.
just with a probably completely devastated minho and a jisung who was currently confused out of his mind plus mad at some coconut bitch.


staying after school always ended bad for some, and some would never learn.

for example mark.

that boy got detention because of skipping school for three days the week before. but he wasn't complaining either since all he did there was sleep.

he stuffed his supplies into his locker after he was free and was already on his way to the exit, minding his own business.

he didn't observe his surroundings, too focused on the music coming from his earbuds.

and with that, he almost got a heart attack when he got pinned against a wall out of nowhere. raising his head to look into whoever's eyes, he couldn't help but roll his eyes out of annoyance.

or frustration, or anger. or both. or all three.

the person leaned above him gave him a death stare and mark almost lost his shit when he tightened his grip.

he had one earbud still in, with some trap music playing in the background.

"what do you want?" he tried to calm his voice down by whispering in hope to get rid of the rage that was boiling within his mind.

„i just wanna talk." the cunning grin that was painted on the younger male's face grew as time passed.

mark who grew more and more insecure, but definitely didn't want him to notice tried to get out of the stern grip but failed miserably.

"kim fucking yugyeom. talk."

"you're nervous." mark shook is head. "i'm not. just say what you want already."

"yes you are. you always blink so much when you're nervous."

the older was creeped out by the fact that yugyeom still remembered everything.

knowing that someone you loathe memorizes things that not even you know about yourself is frightening.

the older male looked at him in anticipation.

yugyeom started to laugh. "why did you tell jisung huh?" mark knew that he was screwed at this point.

yugyeom has always been obsessive and possessive. he was capable of things that were scaring. he was capable of hurting eveyone that dared to stop him from his sick actions. mentally as well as physically.

he was mentally unstable but only a few noticed, and it was already too late when they did.

"tell jisung what?"

"you know exactly what i'm talking about. don't do it again."

"leave me alone."

mark had enough. he was fed up with his ex boyfriend's stupid games.

yugyeom had loosened his grip without noticing, and mark was already on his way to the exit when he actually did.

catching up on mark, he yelled. "you can't do anything mark! don't walk away i dare you. it'll make it worse for you!"

mark fastened his steps, heart pounding.

but it didn't work. yugyeom was too fast and way too strong.

mark felt coldness run down his spine as he perceived the familiar tight grip on his wrist, turning him around.


and so, yugyeom painted a red mark on the older's arm.

"just a little reminder for you not to do it again."

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