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『♡』started: 7:32qmfinished: 12:10amwc: 764

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started: 7:32qm
finished: 12:10am
wc: 764


hey uhh i know it's
already 4am in australia
but uhhh

i can't sleep

you're probably asleep right?

good at least one of us has normal
sleeping patterns

anyways we going✈️rant

it's nothing new that i miss you a lot but it's been getting worse and worse lately and i don't know how to cope with it. it's just that i don't know when we will see eachother again. it could be a month, a year, two. i don't know. why did your parents have to move. i hate this. i just?? i just really want to be able to fucking cuddle with you and to kiss you or at least just be able to simply stand right next to you again. is that too much to ask for? i should probably go to sleep smh

minho♡ is calling . . .

jisung at first didn't even notice the screen of his phone turning on. he was too busy wiping his tears away. as he threw the tissue away he noticed the small amount of light that radiated from one spot of his bed.

the boy walked over to his bed to check who was calling him, hoping for it to be minho even though it was currently four in the morning in australia. and in fact it was him.

seeing his boyfriend's name on the screen, he immediately pressed the little green button. "minho i swear to god it's four in the morning where you live why the hell are you still awake i swear i'm calling your mom-"

"i had way too much coffee. and weren't you all emo ten minutes ago?" you could hear that minho was crying a little too. but who wouldn't in such a situation? "nobody said that i couldn't be sad AND angry." the ravenette on the other end of the line smiled a bit at his stupid acting boyfriend, loving how he could make him smile even in moments like these.

"hello to you too by the way." mumbled minho after a few seconds. "oh my god i didn't even say hello i'm the worst boyfriend ever i'm so sor-" minho let out a heavy sigh. jisung has always had these little— attacks?

he didn't know what to call them. but sometimes the boy just kept on apologizing for the smallest things. just like this time. at one point he even apologized for "breathing too heavy" for ten minutes nonstop. but the black haired male hated, literally hated hearing his boyfriend talk bad about himself.

"jisung." the boy stopped. "while you're out there probably laying under your blanket, asking yourself where you went wrong— okay this is going to be cheesy. it's your touch that still haunts me and your voice that is still playing in my head. it are your kisses that make butterflies fly up my spine and it's you that i love and will always love so stop fucking talking bad about yourself. and i miss you. and i promise that we'll see eachother again and i promise you that we'll do all the things we've talked about doing together for the past seven months."

jisung didn't know how to respond. when did he ever? he buried his face in his palms, trying so damn hard not to bawl his eyes out again.

"i love you so much you can't even imagine."

"i love you too."

"okay but-" the dark blue haired boy let out an almost silent sob. "-how do you even manage to keep up with this bullshit?" minho furrowed his brows at the question. "i could be asking you the same question."

"i mean yeah," jisung chuckled a bit while there were still tears drying on his rosy cheeks. "you are the one that has to deal with living in a completely foreign country. not me. i mean yeah, you speak english as if it was your first language and everything. but still." he was quite worried.

"i mean it's okay here. i resigned myself to it and if i start getting nostalgia i'll either distract myself or text— or call you." the way he talked about it as if it never bothered him amazed jisung to be honest. minho has always been the complete opposite of him when it came to this.

jisung was a complete crybaby and minho just accepted things like they were. except this one thing called school. oh. and this one thing called the distance between jisung and me that fucks up my sleeping schedule and my heart.

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