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『♡』written: 2:18amfinished: 1:43pmwc: 583

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written: 2:18am
finished: 1:43pm
wc: 583



you haven't called
yesterday,, are you okay?

please call me as soon as
you see this :(

fuck off


we're over


this is not the time
for jokes


w h a t
not delivered

are you fucking serious
not delivered

minho really wasn't the kind of person to lose his shit easily.

this was a dream right? just one of his stupid jokes?

but jisung would never joke about such things. and that's what made minho cry in the end.

sadness and desire clashed with disappointment and confusion. the outcome wasn't good, not at all.

it was minho crying to the point where he was completely dehydrated and just a quivering mess.

it was skipping school, not eating. sleep wasn't even a thing anymore.

it wasn't like in those movies where one would break up with the other.

there wasn't the beautiful girl with make-up smudged from all the crying in the sunset.

there were no crying over sad movies while eating a whole tub of ice cream.

instead there were bloodshot eyes, messy hair, unbearable numbness and crying for days on no end.

not in that romantic way, more in that agonizingly painful way.

minho didn't know what was happening anymore. wasn't jisung the one who cried over how much he missed him just three days ago?

did he find someone who could love him better? someone who could actually be right next to him instead of a thausand miles away?

he just hoped for it to be one big misunderstanding. for him to wake up tomorrow and realize that it was all just a nightmare.


jeongin really was an angel on earth. the boy refused to leave jisung's side since he heard thar the older was feeling down.

jisung wished for minho to have friends like jeongin in australia too. someone to comfort him when jisung couldn't.

"—by the way!" the younger exclaimed. "do you know anything about mark? i haven't seen him in days."

"which mark? there are like ten marks going to our school."

jeongin nodded his head slightly. "mark tuan. we used to hang out from time to time but he suddenly disappeared." he pouted, a sad expression forming on his face.

wasn't that the boy that had warned him about yugyeom?

he didn't know that he was friends with the younger, he seemed lonely at first sight.

"i don't know anything about that boy." admitted jisung, feeling sorry as he had to destroy jeongin's hopes.

the said boy didn't mind it though. mark would show up sooner or later anyway.

"he has those periods where he just stops being present for a few days straight. but this one seems as if it would be lasting longer. i'm worried."

he had no one to worry. at least mark thought so.

jisung became curious about the weirdly handsome male. "tell me more about him."

jeongin deliberated shortly, but began to speak again.

"i don't know much about him. he's really distant and doesn't talk much. i guess? i sometimes see him with this boy— you know. the one with the black mushroom hair. though he doesn't seem to like that. he's scared of something, i can tell. but i don't know what." he shrugged.

something was up with that boy for sure.

and not only him.

kind of a filler ig??
oh and thank you for 200 reads

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