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『♡』written: 10:27pmfinished: 7:00pmwc: 823

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written: 10:27pm
finished: 7:00pm
wc: 823

jeongin needed answers, well aware that if he wouldn't get any soon he'd literally go insane. it wasn't like he never knew that something was up with mark. the young boy just never dared to ask. too afraid that the result to all of his questions was terrible.

by now he knew that it would probably be in fact terrible. as soon as he saw the video on the transparent screen of woojin's phone.
was mark scared? was he not who he appeared to be? sadly, jeongin learned that all of it wasn't just a massive misunderstanding.

he wanted clarity.

so when he catched mark during lunch period in the empty hallway the next day, he dared to ask. the older had already noticed the small boy next to his own fragile figure and just forced a smile even though he didn't feel like it. mark knew about the clip and he knew the consequences. well aware that whoever has not only sent their little, oh so hilarious joke to woojin, which was probably why he got so many horrified stares.

"can i ask you something?" jeongin surely was acquainted with the fact that mark rather wished he hadn't even asked by his expression, yet the answer was a yes. as soon as the younger realized that mark didn't negate his question this time, the usual void inside of his eyes was replaced with vividly glowing shades of unfamiliar colors instead.

jeongin pulled mark's sleeve, guiding him to his quiet spot; behind the school's gym. the boy didn't speak a word and fear was written on his face as they both sat down.

with patting mark's back, jeongin tried to make him feel as comfortable as he could possibly get. "mark, what—" he stopped, rethinking his words. "why did yugyeom do this to you?" he pointed to the older's arm with his index finger even though the bare skin was covered in a thick sleeve that was now pulled down and like jeongin suspected, a bandage.

"because i told jisung that he had his phone." mark whimpered, avoiding eye contact at any cost. jeongin widened his eyes. he would've expected something way worse. for fucks sake, who would commit such a horrid deed for such a simple reason?

"wh— how did he even know?"

"i guess he just kind of...did?"

"you're blinking so often. is everything okay or is the-" mark played it down with a tense chuckle. "i have this habit that i blink a lot when i'm nervous. i'll try to stop though."

jeongin's cheeks flushed in a bright shaded pink. "that's absolutely adorable." he was glad that mark started to feel at least a little bit safer around him now. at least so much that he'd chuckle even in a situation like this.

the shorter cleared his throat. "okay, you don't have to answer this one." he started. "what's your relationship with him? like, why would he, out of all people, hurt a precious soul like yours?" mark furrowed his brows at the bare thought of it. ex boyfriends. that did not sound right to him. he'd rather not even know who kim yugyeom was.

"we used to date." mark admitted brusquely, rocking back and forth. jeongin once again widened his eyes which made him look like a small, innocent puppy. for a split second mark feared that the younger would hate him now that ke knew that he wasn't straight, then he remembered. "elaborate, please?" jeongin even whispered as if he was afraid mark could crash down underneath his questions in any moment.

"we— well." he stopped, staring somewhere jeongin couldn't indicate. "it wasn't how a healthy relationship should work. it was one of a kind, just in a really bad way." mark tried his best to hold back his tears. he totally wasn't going to be dehydrated because of yugyeom again.

"i'm so sorry." and with that, jeongin wrapped his arms around the taller male, afraid that if he let go he'll run away. mark obviously returned the gesture, even with a small smile.

"i think we'll stop here? i feel like it's too much." jeongin asked as he pulled away. mark nodded in response. "sure."

"i'm proud of you, mark."


i think i'm hyperventilating

the flight will depart in 30 mins and i'm SO ready!

bristopher chang
oh my god

i hope everything goes well.

remember, 3 days ;)


how am i gonna keep myself from going to his place for 2 days straight

bristopher chang
it'll be easy

you have to unpack some things right? just occupy yourself with it until the time came

you make it seem as if i'm gonna do something unbelievable

bristopher chang
well jisung's gonna be unbelievably happy so?

okay i'm gonna turn my wifi off now i'll text you when we're there :,)

bristopher chang
good luck!

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