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『♡』written: 10:44pmfinished: 1:21pmwc: 783

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written: 10:44pm
finished: 1:21pm
wc: 783

when lunch period rolled around, mark wasn't present again. but this time was different. because he informed jeongin about that his classes got cancelled. and for the first time the younger felt absolutely no need to worry about the older.

"—and isn't your birthday in like, a week or two?" him and felix were involved in a conversation about all of the eight boys birthdays since hyunjin claimed not to remember when changbin had his.

"it's in eleven days." gave felix as a response to the question that got quite drowned out by the tallest of the group who was currently being strangled by changbin which resulted into him pushing out inhuman noises usually interrupted by coughing.

"my boy is going to be eighteen!" exclaimed the short boy who was now done playfully choking hyunjin for not remembering the day he was born.

felix choked on his food. "i'm your boy?" the color of his cheeks turned into something more vivid, almost like matte rose gold.

"i mean—"

"anyways!" chan slammed his hands on the table, making a loud sound so that everyone in the cafeteria momentarily raised their head to look where it came from. "not only does that mean it's felix's birthday soon, but also jisung's."

the addressed male looked up as he didn't fully register that they were talking to him.

"wait, what?" he had completely forgotten about his birthday being all that soon due to all the stress in the last month and he totally wasn't ready to be eighteen at all. feeling as if he just turned thirteen yesterday the thought of turning eighteen was scary. he thought about it rather reluctant.

"so now my birthday's irrelevant because jisung's is also soon? i can't believe this." felix rolled his eyes in artificial shock as he gasped which made the others flash a small grin.

"there's only space for one drama queen in here. calm thyself." hyunjin shot him a playful glare as he looked down to his hand, pretending to get his nails done all by himself which looked hilarious.

"oh!" the youngest of the group exclaimed. "i'm gonna make the both of you a birthday cake." jisung smiled at how energetic jeongin was and a small laugh pushed past felix's lips. "you don't have to."

"no! a decision has been made!" and with that it was final, jeongin, who didn't have any practical knowledge with baking was going to make two birthday cakes. all eight of them including him were more than suspicious about how the outcome would be.

jisung chuckled. "okay. then-" though something cut him off. and that something was woojin who flinched at something in the screen of his phone as he let out a short yet audible shriek.

seungmin choked on his water. "what the fuck woojin. why are you making such weird noises?"

the oldest signaled his confused friends to come closer. after not even ten seconds passed all of them gathered around him, anticipating something morbid since woojin really wasn't the type of person to flinch easily.

he wasn't sure if he wanted jeongin to see what was just sent to him by some jerk who thought it was funny. at least the younger could get a glimpse of what was going on.

after making sure that nobody unwanted watched he pressed play. a few seconds later jeongin was the first one to let out a terrified screech. the others covered their mouth with their hands and seungmin quickly put his other hands over jeongin's eyes, trying his hardest not to let him get hurt even though it was already too late.

on the screen was the video that felix thought was just a rumor. he never thought yugyeom would go that far to seriously harm someone.

it was the video of yugyeom who attacked mark, rather his wrist, with a knife a week ago. now jeongin understood why that boy flinched so hard when he once grabbed his wrist a bit too harsh.

"we need to go to the principals office asap." chan was the first one to say anything since the others just nodded in agreement, some of them still with their hands covering up their only option to speak.

jisung and felix looked at each other knowingly even though the both of them didn't want to believe what they had just witnessed.

"who's going to go with you? i don't think the principal would want eight people in his small office." hyunjin tilted his head. "i think jisung should come with me." he pointed at the younger. "and woojin."

and from that day on, nobody ever saw yugyeom again.

not proofread

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