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『♡』written: 4:57pmfinished: 10:12pmwc: 571

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written: 4:57pm
finished: 10:12pm
wc: 571




can we call?

i have to finish my homework

i'll call you in 10

oo okay

i love you

i love you too

minho was glad that he was one of those people who understood maths quite easily without putting any effort into it, otherwise he would be screwed.

numbers filled the empty pages of his notebook as he wrote down his homework. the boy hurried since he didn't want his boyfriend to wait too long and he also craved the youngers voice.

why the hell do his teachers always have to give them so much homework? it's not like school is the only thing that they want to occupy themselves with. they have a social life too for example.

he impatiently wrote down the last few lines of the homework and gladly slammed the notebook shut as he was finally done.

he then stuffed the old books back into his heavy bag and put it in the corner as he stood up from the wooden chair. head dizzy, he immediately plopped down on his bed again. getting up too fast will be his death one day.

removing his phone from the charger, he dialed jisung's number and then tapped on the green button underneath the keypad. he almost dropped it onto his face due to his clumsiness.

he hated these toot sounds. they are loud, way too high pitched and annoying as hell. not even his alarm clock could beat that.

thank god his boyfriend picked up as soon as he pressed the green glowing button. minho sighed in relief as he realized that he didn't have to listen to those silly toot sounds that were coming out of his phone.

„mINHOOOOO-" the sound of the youngers loud voice replaced the suffocating silence between the walls of minho's room.

„oh my god jisung as much as i love to hear your voice please stop screaming." the raven haired boy chuckled.

„save your screams for later." added minho in a sexy voice. well, he at least attempted to make it sound as sexy as possible, but failed miserably which caused jisung to burst into laughter.

he buried his face in his palms while there was still a smile plastered on his face. letting out an embarrassed groan, he started laughing a bit too.

"anyways, how's kora?" (his cat)

"oh so you just called me to ask about your cat? i see." sassed jisung.

„i haven't been able to pet her in seven months leave me alo-"

„you haven't seen me in seven months either." jisung rolled his eyes.

"i know and i fucking hate it." said minho in response as he let out a heavy sigh.

there was silence and neither of them was able to decide if it was an awkward or a comfortable one.

"how has this conversation gotten from happy to emo in two seconds?" jisung's lips formed a small yet noticeable smile as he responded. „because we're both stupid as hell."

a gasp from minho was audible from the younger's phone. „you are the stupid one out of us two."

„shut up."

"make me— no wait you can't." the last part came out faint and sorrowful as he realized how damning the situation actually was.

two boys who desperately yearn to hold eachother again, hoping that one day they'd be united again.

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