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『♡』written: 12:39amfinished: 1:32amwc: 704

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written: 12:39am
finished: 1:32am
wc: 704


new phone who dis

it's me, yugyeom

can we meet up after school
today? if you're busy it's okay

because you wanted to help me
in english yk


[insert address]

be there at 3 :)

thank you!!

after school finally finished jisung headed to the nearest bus stop just like every afternoon to get home as quickly as possible. with his earbuds in, he didn't really pay that much attention on his surroundings since he knew them by heart anyway.

it was currently 2pm which meant that he had around fourty-five minutes of leisure. he already knew what he was going to do in those fourty-five minutes. with that being doing his homework in the noon instead of in the evening, he entered the bus filled with people bored out ouf his mind.

the drive lasted a good ten minutes. he had to walk home for a good five minutes. the boy cursed at himself as he got out of the bus, noticing that he forgot his jacket at home this morning. it was already autumn and korea was filled with coldness. forgetting his jacket wasn't beneficial then.

the now shivering boy walked home faster than usual. he couldn't even wait for the warmth of the small room of his.

when he finally arrived at home he grabbed the keys out of the pocket of his bag and unlocked the door apace. he let out a relieved and happy sigh as he finally stood inside, hidden away from all the bleakness outside.

"mom! i'm home!" his call echoed as he silently waited for a response. "welcome back! i made you food." he entered the apartment, his mother smiling at him.

"thank you. where's dad?" questioned jisung even though he already knew the answer. "at work. he'll be home at eight though."

the boy nodded. "i'll eat the food in my room okay? i have homework to do. oh! and also, a friend from school is coming over later because he needs some help in english."

"have fun."

a friend. could he call yugyeom a friend? he didn't even know the boy.

jisung dropped his bag on the floor and then closed the door that leaded to his room. kneeling down in front of his bag, he took out two books and one notebook. he picked them up and put them on the table where he now sat.

maths, oh how he loved that subject.

after a good thirty minutes he was done. he expected it to take longer though. not exactly knowing what to do now, he grabbed his phone from the wooden shelf and unlocked it.

one new message from minho♡.

his mood brightened up immediately.

have fun at school love ;(

a smile formed on jisung's face as his cheeks flushed. after one and a half year of dating these kinds of messages still gave him butterflies. after a few seconds he replied.

luckily it's already over,,

he wanted to write some other things too but his doorbell interrupted him. already knowing it was yugyeom, he told his mom that he'll open the door himself. the boy rushed down the stairs almost missing a step.

swinging the front door open, jisung looked at yugyeom who stood there with his bag on his back, waving at him.

shit that bitch is tall as fuck.

„hey uhh, come in." the shorter smiled politely. yugyeom did so. shortly after, jisungs mom joined the two almost-strangers. she looked at yugyeom and then at jisung. „is that your friend?" yugyeom's eyes widened at the word friend.

„y-yeah...his name is yugyeom." jisung smiled awkwardly. „hey yugyeom. i'm mrs. han." yugyeom bowed. „hello."

„uhh...let's go upstairs?" it came out more like a question than like a sentence. yugyeom just nodded. the boy seemed a bit intimidated.

he follower jisung upstairs and entered the small room shortly after him, closing the door behind them.

jisung sat down on his bed and patted on the spot next to him. yugyeom understood and sat down next to the shorter.

„this is awkward."

„oh yeah it is."

„let's get to know eachother a little first?"

„yeah, why not."

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