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『♡』written: 3:49pmfinished: 10:55pmwc: 1003

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written: 3:49pm
finished: 10:55pm
wc: 1003

the weather represented jisung's mood at it's finest.

water droplets kept on falling to the ground. the sky was painted in different shades of gray and the air was coldness itself.

he didn't want to get up nor did he want to go to school.

it was one of these days. on these days, seconds turned into hours and it seemed as if everything was just dreary.

the normally colorful pictures on his wall were gloomy and lost their shine a while ago.

but he had no choice. he had to attend class.

and he wanted to throw up as soon as he stood in front of the big building he would call jail, his dark blue hair soaked in rain.

though he was glad when he got engulfed into warmth as soon as he entered the school.

the strange thing was that his friends were nowhere to be seen. not even felix who he had first period with.

that boy was probably busy with annoying changbin.

it was always the same with these two. changbin acted as if he didn't like felix in the slightest way.

but even a blind man would notice the stares he gave the aussie.

jisung was so done at this point. his friends were nowhere to be seen, he lost his phone and with that he missed minho even more than usually and as if all of that still wasn't enough yugyeom was walking towards him right now.

smiling as always.

„hey uhh— wait are you okay?" said yugyeom as soon as he approached the dark haired boy. he didn't have the energy to deal with yugyeom right now. really.

„yeah sure." jisung grabbed the strap of his bag tighter. he wanted to walk away as fast as possible, but then he remembered.

he isn't who he pretends to be.

he wasn't the type to trust a stranger but still, he was more curious than ever at this point.


„what is it?" the older tilted his head.

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