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『♡』written: 1:37pmfinished: 1:42pmwc: 730

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written: 1:37pm
finished: 1:42pm
wc: 730

the next day jisung approached yugyeom as soon as he saw him in the hallway after school. to the older's surprise since he wouldn't usually do that.

he wasn't to be seen anywhere around school the whole day which appeared kind of weird to jisung, but he didn't even care. he was way too sad to care anyway.

the hallway was empty except for the two of them.

he remembered coming here with minho a few times since they liked running around in school when almost no one was there.

minho always said that is was the same, just without the anxiety and bad grades.

these memories hurt, considering that he missed him so much. buy they made him hope for minho to come back soon too.

it was a love-hate thing.


the older turned away from his locker to face jisung completely. a kind of surprised expression on his face.

he had a sly smile on his lips which jisung didn't know how to classify.

"what is it?" jisung breath hitched hesistantly. this could end bad for him since there was a chance for it all to just be one big misunderstanding.

yugyeom noticed that his shoulders were tense as he raised a brow.

"are you okay?"

"is that a serious question?" jisung looked at him with this typical are-you-kidding look.

yugyeom nodded, then shook his head.

"okay but. what do you want?" yugyeom became noticeably impatient since all he wanted to do was go home and sleep for the rest of the day.

which caused jisung's breathing to become faster with every second. what the hell was he so nervous for.

"i don't want to offend you or anyth-"

"jesus christ just tell me what the fucking question is." the younger flinched.

"calm down. okay-" he inhaled the air sharply. "you are the only person who could have my phone and i'm pretty sure you have it. so please give it back?"

the older scowled and jisung held his breath, not really sure what to do now that he said it.

"this is what i missed my bus for?" that was the last thing yugyeom said before turning on the spot and walking away, leaving jisung completely helpless.

when did yugyeom become so fucking rude anyway?

he walked away, seeming to take all of the jisung's hopes with him.

yeah, he could just buy a new one, but he didn't have the money to do that.

he stood in the hallway, not knowing whether to cry or laugh as he watched yugyeom walk away as if it was perfectly fine.

what he did notice was that the boy was listening to music on his phone.

why would he have a second phone in the pocket of his pants then? his head heated up from anger as he clenched his fists.

"hey!" yugyeom turned around but proceeded to walk backwards.

jisung couldn't believe it.

he decided it was smarter to run up to the coconut head first since that would lower the chance of him running away as soon as he confronted him.

the boy looked at him with the same old stupid what-the-hell look jisung literally despised at this point.

reaching yugyeom, he didn't even ask any question.

he simply grabbed his phone and looked at him with dead eyes.

"how dare you grab my ass like that- hey!"

"i did not." he held up the phone. "why was it in your pocket? huh!"

yugyeom desperatly tried to save the situation. "because it's mine?"

jisung shook his head as he turned on the screen. "oh it's yours. i wonder why you have minho set as your wallpaper."


he walked away. at least tried to because jisung gripped onto his arm in a split second.

the older winced at the stern hold.

"why?" was the only thing jisung wanted to know at the moment.

instead of hitting him or telling him to go die in a ditch as yugyeom would have expected.

"just fucking why?"

no answers.

the usual void inside of jisung was now filled with rage, it threatened to run over any moment.

"you sometimes have to do things on your own in order for someone to like you back." yugyeom shrugged as if it was a perfectly
normal thing.

and jisung didn't know how or if to react at all

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