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『♡』written: 2:36pmfinished: 9:13pmwc: 509

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written: 2:36pm
finished: 9:13pm
wc: 509

fluster, yeah, that was pretty much the only thing minho knew he felt at the moment. despite that, he really had no clue what was going on.

he believed jisung and there was no doubt but it still occured so stupid to him.

if he found the dude that stole his boyfriend's phone that bitch got to run, that was for sure.

making his way to his classroom to have lunch there since the cafeteria was closed due to some issues, he heard something coming from behind him. sobs.

turning around, he noticed there was a girl crying.

her dark brown hair fell into her face and she kept extremely quiet which made it hard to tell if she was actually crying, but minho just knew.

and because he can't stand seeing people, no matter who, cry, he approached her with small steps.

she sat on a bench in the corner of the hallway next to a few colorful lockers that haven't been used in years, probably even decades.

minho cautiously kneeled down in front of the female, not sure if what he was doing was a good idea.

"hey?" yeah, when you see someone bawl their eyes out the first thing to say is hey, how stupid. but minho couldn't help it, he didn't know what he was doing, he never did.

maybe the confusion was from the lack of contact to jisung, but who knows.

the girl's sobs stopped immediately as she wiped her tears away, her face still wasn't visible.

raising her head a bit just so that you could look into her eyes, her face was red and so were her dark eyes, her mascara was all over her face as well.

she pretty much looked like one of those girls in the movies that just got their heart broken by some fuckboy, and minho would bet that was exactly the case.

"what?" the voice was barely audible.

"are you okay? just crying in the hallway for no reason?"

she laughed briefly, bitterness in her tone. "of course."

minho looked her in the eye. "what is it? why are you crying?" she shook her head. "i don't know you."

"i don't know you either yet i care."

the girl scoffed. "unlike him."

the taller male raised his brows. so eventually his assumption wasn't even that false. "unlike who?"

"i don't know you."

minho let out a heavy sigh which left the girl unimpressed. he just wanted to help someone so that at least one person here could feel happiness, but now he didn't even succeed at that.

he looked at her once more before grabbing his bag and getting up again to walk away.

he had already arrived at the other end of the hallway when he heard the girl scream something to him.

"please don't be a bitch and show your girlfriend that you care about her, okay?"

"i'd show him every day if only i had the chance to."

jesus this is bad

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