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『♡』written: 11:25pmfinished: 10:28pmwc: 790

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written: 11:25pm
finished: 10:28pm
wc: 790

today was a good day. at least for jeongin. his friend mark was finally back and he couldn't wait to talk to him again.

he missed the older quite a lot which rarely anyone did. the brace boy never understood why though.

walking up to him at lunch, he hugged him as soon as the taller male turned around to face him.

without even saying hello questions over questions started to flow out of the younger's mouth.

from "where have you been" to "do you think plushies can understand us but just don't talk?"

mark's lips formed a small smile. the boy wouldn't stop babbling but he didn't mind.

he found a liking in jeongin's voice. he would definitely make a good vocalist, that was for sure. jeongin was good at a lot of things, which mark envied.

"i was just not motivated enough to go to school i guess." the taller shrugged.

jeongin tilted his head in confusion. "but you could've texted me though?" mark flashed an awkward smile.

"i might have lost my phone." jeongin hit his forehead with his palms, still smiling like the happiest five year old ever though.

"do you at least have it back?" the male nodded in response.

"at least something— oh look there's jisung!" jeongin pointed at the lost looking boy on the other end of the hallway.

he waved at him and he wouldn't stop until he got noticed. which he did after a while.

looking at jisung, he almost didn't recognize the eye bags and the tired look, the puffy eyes and messy hair. nobody did, just as if everyone got used to it, which was the bitter truth.

being the cutie he is, jeongin noticed the moment he layed his gaze on him.

he watched him walk towards them with pity, not even observing his other surroundings.

like mark's piercing, slightly worried stares or yugyeom who would normally go annoy jisung now.

he looked as if he was crying for help in a world full of deaf people.

"jisung!" jeongin exclaimed, delighted to see him after not seeing him since they said their goodbyes just yesterday.

jisung couldn't help but smile. he even smiled at mark, which lifted some weight off of the youngest shoulders.

he embraced jeongin and gave mark an awkward smile right after, still not sure how to classify the boy.

"as much as i hate to do this," jisung raised his head in surprisement as the usually quiet boy suddenly started to talk.

"jeongin. can i borrow our jisung here for a minute?" the oldest of the group seemed uncertain of his actions but continued anyway.

"sure!" answered jeongin. jisung's face was just a big question mark at this point. but it didn't matter.

mark grabbed his wrist, careful, not too harsh and pulled him with him, but not before asking if it was okay of cousre.

they ended up in some empty hallway. the older made sure no one was there. jisung looked at him in anticipation.

"what are we doing here?" he tilted his head a bit, watching mark who occasionally checked if anyone was there.

"i'm going to get in trouble for this." mentioned the older. he took a deep breath straight away.

jisung widened his eyes. "wha- then don't do whatever you've planned?" he watched the older getting more nervous with every second that passed in irritation.

"okay not be rude. but we both know exactly where your phone is, so go call him out already." jisung knew damn well who he reffered to, but he wanted to assure himself.


"are you really that stu- sorry. yugyeom, who else." mark's expression changed to a pained one just by mentioning the boy's name.

"can't be. i already asked him." mark looked up in frustration.

"would you admit to stealing another one's valuables?" jisung shook his head.

"please get your phone back i beg you."

there was a small amount of hope in jisung's eyes. though he already almost gave up.

if there was a one percent chance of getting his phone back, he'd take it.

he'd even confront the scarily tall boy if that meant he would finally be able to hear minho's voice again.

"yeah okay, thank you. but why do you care anyway?"

"because i don't want things to happen."

"what things?"

„you'll see if you don't get your fucking phone back already. it can be too late any minute or already."

after that, jisung watched the scrawny boy walk away as if nothing ever happened.

what was his story with yugyeom and why does he get anxious whenever he's around?

jisung shook his head. it wasn't any of his business.

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