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『♡』written: 1:46pmfinished: 8:31pmwc: 780

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written: 1:46pm
finished: 8:31pm
wc: 780

„don't do it again."

„leave me alone."

„you can't do anything."

„don't walk away i dare you."



„oh my god your hair." jisung took a step backwards as felix tried to touch his freshly dyed hair. all of his friends looked at him.

he wanted to dye it black but i turned out to be a really deep blue. however, he thought he probably liked it even more than black and a lot more than his normally dark brown hair.

chan laughed. „now i understand why you made minho question his sexuality." jisung hit the olders arm slightly as an answer to that. „are you implying that i was ugly before?" he grinned. hyunjin joined the two boys.

„let's face it. seungmin right here-" he pointed at the red haired boy who was currently absentminded, struggling to open a bag of cookies. „is the most beautiful thing you'll ever take a look at."

chan widened his eyes as he looked at the squirrel like boy. „whipped." hyunjin sat down next to seungmin again, who by the way succeeded in opening that bag of cookies. the taller boy stole half of it within ten seconds anyway.

jisung watched to two fighting until he felt something— or someone tap on his shoulder. he practically jumped at first but then turned around quickly.

„you scared me." he observed the tall ass mushroom looking kid in front of him as if he was from a nameless planet. the older scratched the back of his head. „your new hair. it suits you." jisung swiftly returned the smile on yugyeoms face. „thank you."


„do you want to walk around a bit or anything? the others aren't here at the moment." yugyeom's smile never faded so jisung agreed. but he didn't leave without telling his friends goodbye. they looked at him suspiciously but jisung didn't mind.

the older bought himself a small pack of apple juice and then sipped as if there was no tomorrow. just like one of those five year olds.

he spoke in between those sips though. „let's go to the roof. we still have twenty minutes left until seventh period starts and the sky is clear." suggested yugyeom. jisung nodded in response.

as they began walking up the stairs, jisung started panting to which the older male gave him a worried is-everything-okay look. „i'm just lazy so i don't have much stamina." muttered the shorter. after a short time that for jisung seemed like a year was over, they finally reached the roof.

the younger quickly pulled out his phone to check if he had any messages. but sadly nothing popped up on the bright display.

„are we even allowed to be up here?" jisung tilted his head. yugyeom chuckled. „no. but who cares anyway?" he sat up against a wall and rested his head in his palms as he threw the empty pack of juice away.

"don't jump!" jisung came closer to the edge with every oh so small step he took. he had to take one step closer and it'd be over. "jesus christ yugyeom i don't have any intentions in jumping off of a rooftop! i have family and a boyfriend and i wouldn't just lea-"

the coconut head's expression changed from happy to disappointed and then within the split of a second back to normal.

what the fuck, was all jisung thought of it.

„you have a boyfriend?" yugyeom raised a brow and jisung looked at him, not knowing how to classify the look he gave him. „yeah?" it sounded more like a question but it clearly wasn't. yugyeom seemed interested in hearing more about minho though.

„why haven't you ever told me? does he live here? what's his name?" you can probably tell that jisung was annoyed out of his mind at this point. rocking back and forth on the spot, the younger tilted his head slightly.

"his name is minho and no, he doesn't live here." everyone who would've passed by would have noticed how jisung's expression became more sorrowful with every word that left his mouth, the gravity of his heart increased with every god damn word by now. everyone but yugyeom.

jisung didn't really care if people thought of him as weird or disgusting when he told them that he had a boyfriend. he never did. if anyone wouldn't accept it he would just simply tell them to fuck off.

"where does he-"

"australia." he smiled even though he really didn't feel like it. yugyeom nodded slowly.

"okay so i-" and in that exact moment the bell rang, finally releasing jisung from hell.

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