01. sex

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Each crack on the wall edged slightly forwards as the music pushed its way through the house. It was dark, you could barely see where you were going half the time. Each person was completely off their faces whether it was alcohol, drugs or both.

She entered the room alone. A tight bralet clinging to her chest, accentuating every aspect of it. Below that was her tightest black skinny jeans with small rips here and there. She was a magnet that drew everyone in.

Countless boys attached themselves to her, only for her to walk past them as if they weren't hard at the sight of her. She only had eyes for one, her drink. Her hair cascaded down past her shoulders and finished just under her boobs, it was straight but she knew by the end of the night her natural curls would come through.

"Kat!" A girl with short black hair called to her. After filling her drink with vodka and coke, she turned to the girl and hugged her because she felt she had to.

He was already in the room, on the couch to be precise. A cigarette hung from his lips while he looked lifeless. His band mates sat around him and talked amongst themselves, smoking whatever they could get their hands on and poking him every once in a while to make sure he was still breathing.

He pulled the cigarette out of his mouth and put the beer mouth in its place. He felt truly numb, just how he liked it. His black skinny jeans clung to him, stained with substances he didn't want to think about. He just wanted to listen to the music.

"Gorn, Matty. Get us a drink." His mate, George slapped his thigh to get him up.

With every step, it felt like the floor was getting further away from him. He watched his feet, wondering why they wouldn't work properly and staggered into the kitchen.

She watched this lanky, curly boy practically fall into the kitchen where she was. Her friends were getting off next to her, another one was slowly passing out while she sipped her drink calmly.

He didn't make it to the drinks, he slipped on the way and fell against the wall. No one saw but her. She didn't know whether to help him or not, so she got out a cigarette to help clear her mind for the decision.

The white of the cigarette caught his attention as he giggled to himself on the floor. His eyes travelled her up body, taking in the whole image. He watched her fumble around for a lighter, he could feel his in his pocket so he pulled it out.

The lanky boy shuffled across the floor towards her, kneeling in front of her. She stared down at him, the cigarette in between her teeth. He clicked his lighter in front of her, staring mouth open at her. She bent her knees to be closer to him and lit her cigarette. Her two fingers tapped the bottom of his chin and brought him up so he was standing.

He stared down at her, analysing her whole face. Her blonde hair had dark roots, her eyes were blue with dark blue circles around. He could see she had a lot of make up on but it looked natural. His eyes stared at the cigarette as she pulled it out of her mouth with the same fingers that brought him to his position.

His mouth hung open in awe at her, he thought she was everything. She held his jaw with a hand and blew her smoke into his mouth. He almost melted.

"Matty, beer!" He heard his band mate, George, call. The way his eyes changed gave her the indication he was talking to the boy in front of her. She smirked, not breaking eye contact as she brought the cigarette back to her mouth.

"Matty." She smiled, blowing smoke as she spoke. She liked the sound of his name, he absolutely loved the way she said it. He didn't know what to do, he was afraid if he got George a beer that she would leave. So, he took her cigarette from her lips and placed it in his, knowing she couldn't light another without him.

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