53. move somewhere sunny and get addicted to drugs

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Matty loved being on stage when he was sober. He had so much energy for the people around him. He used to think that he needed to drink or take something to enjoy himself but now he just appreciated everything so much more.

"We're the 1975 from Manchester in England. Thank you for coming." He said into the microphone before standing back to wait for 'settle down' to begin. He stared at all the faces staring back at him and then looked to the left to see if Kat was watching; she was.

He strummed his guitar to the song; a song he had written about Kat. One of the many songs he had written about her actually. He watched all his fans scream the lyrics back at him, they had no idea what it really meant.

They finished with sex, which Kat had helped him to write. He was dripping with sweat as he strummed the last chord.

"Thank you! We're the 1975." He said again and then waved to everyone as they ran off stage.

He proceeded to use Kat as a sweat towel, bundling her up around him and squeezing her tightly. She squealed as he did so but he knew she wouldn't care.

"Ratty!" She burst which made the other boys laugh. He put her down and kissed her head softly.

"Katherine, none of that please." He told her off. She giggled but continued to wipe herself of his sweat drops. Following the boys to the dressing room, she hadn't noticed that a few more people had joined them.

There were more boys in the dressing room, some she recognised and some she didn't. Someone had turned on the music really loudly and sparked up. Matty walked straight to the bathroom so Kat went and sat next to George. He threw his arm around her and let her hug him.

"Hey there, Kat" a voice said, she looked up to see the boy from the party, Nathan. He was rolling something, making eye contact with her as he licked along the paper.

"Hi, I remember you." She smiled friendly. George tightened his grip on her shoulder. Alfie noticed and laughed.

"I don't understand why you're all so tense around me. Kat gets it, I'm just a friend of yours who happens to be a dealer." He shook his head disapproving. At that moment, Angie walked in and George made a b line for her without thinking. Nathan took his place next to Kat.

"How long have you known the boys?" She asked, trying to make conversation. Nathan lit up what he had rolled and took a long drag.

"Few years now. You?" He retaliated. Her eyes flashed down to his spliff before back to his eyes.

"Almost a year." She replied. He raised his eyebrows.

"You been with Matty that long?" He asked, she shook her head.

"Only started dating him a few months ago." She replied, he nodded before taking another drag.

"Want some?" He offered, she breathed in the air to try and figure out what it was but she didn't recognise it.

"What is it?" She asked, he smirked. "Weed?" She suggested, he shrugged.

"Something like that" he pushed it over to her, she took it in between her fingers and smelled it.

"Kat!" Someone yelled, she looked up to see George marching over to her. She heard Nathan snigger as she pulled a weird face.

"What?" She was still holding the blunt between her fingers. George snatched it off her and gave it back to Nathan.

"I need you over here." He grabbed her hand and yanked her up. She was beyond confused as he dragged her out of the dressing room. "Are you insane?" He yelled.

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