23. i like america and america likes me

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As Matty woke up, his head throbbed and the fact that his phone was ringing was no help. He let out a loud groan as he answered it.

"Hello?" He grumbled, not bothering to open his eyes.

"Matty? I'm at yours, where are you?" Alice's accent seemed to be thicker over the phone. He opened one eye to look at the time, it was midday.

"I'm...um...I'm..." he stumbled, not sure what to tell her.

"Did you forget we're having lunch with my parents at one?" She asked, Matty's eyes opened fully and he let out a sigh.

"Of course not, I'll be back in half an hour." He replied.

"Please be quick." She sounded stressed. If there was anything Matty knew about Alice, it was that she craved her parents approval more than anything. He would lose serious boyfriend points if he messed this up.

"See you soon." He mumbled before hanging up. He rolled over just as Kat walked in, dressed for work.

"I thought you got Sunday's off?" He asked, she jumped at his voice.

"You're awake." She pointed out. "Oh, yeah I'm just covering for someone for some extra money." She shrugged. He nodded.

"I'm meeting Alice's parents at one." He sat up and rubbed his face. Kat let out a laugh.

"Well you better get going and make yourself presentable. You look like shit." He rolled his eyes and got out of bed.

"Can I shower here?" He asked, she nodded as she looked through her draws for some socks. Before she could do anything about it, he was hugging her from behind. "Thank you, Kitty." He mumbled against her neck. She turned around in his grasp and smiled.

"Anytime." She held his face in her hand and squished his cheeks together. He chuckled before running his hand through his hair roughly.

"Go and shower. I won't be here when you get out but call me after lunch and tell me how it all went." She smiled, he smiled back.

"Thanks again." He stared down at her lips but she turned away before something happened.

Matty dried himself quickly, not bothering with his hair as he pulled on his black t shirt and jeans before running out of Kat's door and towards his house.

When he got there, Alice was waiting outside on her phone. She looked pissed when she saw him.

"Matty! Where have you been? We're going to be late!" She shouted as he ran towards her, he cut her off by kissing her hard.

"I'm so sorry, I had a rough night last night." He said, her eyes became sympathetic.

"Are you okay? Are you up for meeting my parents?" She asked, concerned mostly for herself that he was going to show her up.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine. Let's go before we're late." She pushed him into the car and getting into the drivers seat.

"Okay so my parents are going to be harsh but just stand your ground; they are just testing you." She went on and on trying to prepare him but Matty was not feeling his best.

He was lying to her, every minute he was with her he was lying about where he was last night and what he did. She didn't even know he used, or that he stopped but started again last night. He didn't want to disappoint her but the craving for the drugs was more than his craving for her. He leant against his window and closed his eyes.

"Matty!" Her voice yelled, he opened his eyes to see they were there. "I swear to god, just stay awake for the next couple of hours and then you can be a sleepy idiot. Just keep it together for the next few hours please!" She looked upset and angry. Matty sighed.

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