04. sincerity is scary

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"Man, I'm fucked." Matty groaned as he rolled through the door of Adam's flat at ten am the following morning. George was in the kitchen making tea when he heard the oh so familiar words, they were said differently this time though.

"What you take?" George laughed, not looking at him as he spooned out the tea bags. Matty leant against the doorframe.

"Well, George. I took coke but that's worn off. You are looking at a sober man in this moment." Matty said, sliding into a chair and resting his head on the table.

"Why are you fucked then?" George poured the milk in and stirred each mug carefully. Matty groaned.

"Because, Kat's really pretty and nice and won't fuck me again." He complained, George laughed out loud, earning a spiteful look. "Shut up." He grumbled.

"What happened?" George placed a mug in front of him then sat across from him. Matty stared at the steam coming from the mug, focusing his mind on it for a moment.

"When we left, I practically mounted her in the cab and she told me to stop. She told me she didn't do serial night stands and then pushed me out when we got to mine." He explained, George's eyebrows raised.

"So she wanted to let you down gently. Find someone knew." He said as if it were nothing. But to Matty, it was something. He didn't know what he wanted from her anymore and that bothered him, to the point where he slammed his hand on the table.
"Matty, mate." Matty kicked the chair and yelled, waking up the whole house. "Matt, calm down"

"Fuck!" He yelled, kicking the chair again.

"What are you doing?" A voice asked from the door, Matty snapped his head at the figure and then at George.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" He spat at George in disgust. Standing in the doorway, was Tammy, her best friend. Matty couldn't even look at George, assuming the worst.

"Not that I have to explain anything to you but nothing happened. She came over and we all hung out." George explained, Matty looked at him and then at Tammy. "I made you a cup of tea, love." He said to her, she nodded and picked one up off the side.

"Are you alright Matty?" She asked, he met her eyes and her face dropped. "Is Kat alright?" She asked more importantly. Matty scoffed and sat back down on a different chair.

"She's fine." George rolled his eyes while Tammy came to the table, a smirk on her face.

"What did she do?" She almost laughed, knowing her best friend and knowing that Matty had clearly gotten too far in with her.

"Refused me my right to nut." He mumbled but she still heard, she let out a loud laugh and shook her head.

"Yeah, she has moral issues sometimes. It's usually when she's been smoking, she feels guilty about being a slut." She advised, Matty felt offended but he didn't understand why.

"She's not a slut." He said awkwardly, Tammy and George made eye contact before sipping their tea at the same time. "She's not!" He almost yelled, catching their looks. "A slut is someone who sleeps with many different people. She only sleeps with me." He pointed out. Tammy shrugged.

"How do you know?" George asked, Tammy shot him a look of protection over her best friend.

"Kat's just not a relationship person, that's all. Matty's exactly the same, why doesn't he get called a whore?" She asked defensively. Matty lit a cigarette and shrugged.

"He does, we all call him a man whore." George laughed, Matty winked at him. "Although, Kat's the closest thing you've got to a relationship. Usually you sleep around but now you're just sleeping round hers." He pointed out.

"She's a good fuck, why gamble?" Matty shrugged, Tammy rolled her eyes. Matty was sending out all kind of signals and no one could tell whether he liked her or just wanted her for sex anymore.

"Ugh, I hate that you're talking this way about my best friend. She's an amazing person if you'd only talk to her for more than five minutes." Tammy pointed out.

"Is that all I have to do? Have a conversation with her?" He asked, needing to know how to get back into her good books.

"For fucks sake Matty, have some decency." Tammy scoffed, "now, can we stop talking about how you're going to get back into my best friends pants?" She hissed, they both held their hands up in defence but George was slightly turned on by her protectiveness. Adam came in just as they put their hands down.

"Morning lads" he mumbled, rubbing his eyes. He wore plaid pyjama bottoms and a black top which Tammy thought was extremely cute.

"Adam, mate, can I use your shower?" Matty asked, Adam squinted his eyes at him before looking up to the sky. He wasn't quite sure what had happened in the last twenty four hours.

"Did you stay here last night?" He wondered, George laughed. Tammy sipped her tea, finding his confusion amusing.

"No but I forgot to pay my water bill." Matty confessed, they all groaned at him. "I'm only human guys." He raised his arms as he stood.

"Most humans want running water in their house, Matty." Tammy pointed out, he stuck his middle finger at her before making his way upstairs. He decided he liked having Tammy around but only because she was friends with Kat and could tell him things.

"So, what's up with him and your friend?" Adam asked Tammy, making himself a coffee because tea just didn't do it for him.

"I think they're just fucking" Tammy shrugged, "if he wants more then he's looking in the wrong place." She added, they all nodded.

"Not that we'll ever find out, Matty's terrified of being sincere; especially around girls." George pointed out, Adam hummed in response and came to sit down with them.

"You seem very harsh on your best friend" Adam said quietly, not wanting to offend. Tammy's eyes widened.

"Don't get me wrong, I love her but I know what she's like. I've seen her break countless boys' hearts." She defended, "and I like you guys, you're cool. I don't want her to break Matty's heart and then to lose you." She shrugged.

"Don't worry Tam, you're good." George patted her back. "Matty will get over it if that happens."

Adam sipped his coffee and nodded.

Tammy and George sat in the living room, George had an arm wrapped around her while they watched a re-run of gavin and Stacey.

"I just don't understand!" Tammy burst all of a sudden, "Matty talks as if he just wants to fuck her but then when you suggested she was a slut, he got all defensive as if she belonged to him." George sighed.

"He's a complicated guy, try not to understand him too much." He brushed her off but she wanted to know.

"George. You have to tell me if Matty starts to catch feelings for her, she will hurt him." She said seriously. He raised his eyebrows.

"Well then you have to do the same for me, if she starts catching feelings for her, I'm gonna have to talk to him about it." They stared at each other for a brief moment before George put his hand out of her to shake, Tammy stared at it before shaking it vigorously.

"I hope they just leave each other alone or become friends. It would make our lives so much easier." She sighed, he nodded.

"Just get her to hang out with us, he'll soon realise that he can't just sleep with her if she hangs out with his mates. He'll either want more and get over it or just call her a friend." He suggested, Tammy smiled and nudged him.

"Aren't you clever?" She teased, making him almost blush.

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