09. tootimetootimetootime

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I'm in love with his coat.

Alice stood outside the big front door, it was cold and she was nervous. She was going to meet Matty's friends, she hadn't ever expected to get this far with him.

He opened the door with a huge smile on his face, pulling her in for a hug. She smelled like Kat. He kissed her cheek and threw an arm around her.

"Don't worry, they're lovely." He whispered as he dragged her into the kitchen where everyone was.

George was sat at the dining room table when Matty walked in with the blonde behind him. They all knew who she was instantly, she was just as Matty had described her.

"Guys, meet Alice. Alice, this is Ross, Adam and George. My band mates and just regular mates." He pointed to them in turn and Alice waved.

"Nice to meet you." She said quietly. George felt like scoffing, she was quiet which meant Matty would get bored easily.

"Come sit," Adam instructed, she did as she was told and sat in the chair that Ross had just stood up from. George watched as Ross walked over to Matty near the kitchen counters, he was going to tell him something that he didn't want to hear. "Where you from in America?" Adam asked.

"Matty, just to let you know that Tammy's coming over in like ten minutes." Ross said, Matty's heart dropped.

"What? No." He burst, Alice looked over at him and he shot her a smile before turning back to Ross. She just continued to talk to Adam and George.

"She needs help with some financial stuff and I said I'd go through it with her. What's the issue?" He explained, Matty ran his hands through his hair.

"The minute she see's Alice, she's going to know and tell Kat." He stressed, Ross just shook his head. This is what Matty got.

"Well, you shouldn't be two timing. Kat's nice and-"

"I'm not two timing!" Matty whisper-shouted. "I'm not with Kat but I wanted to tell her myself." Ross just shrugged.

"I'll try and keep Tammy out of your way but you know what she's like." He shrugged, Matty was having a nightmare.

"Alice, do you want a drink?" He called over to her, trying to seem like he wasn't exploding inside with worry. She flashed him a smile and nodded.

"A coffee would be great thanks." She smiled before going back to telling Adam about growing up in Vegas. Matty was thankful that Adam was here since Ross was ruining his life and George didn't seem interested in Alice at all.

He made her a coffee and brought out a couple of beers for the guys before taking a seat next to George on the four seat dining table. He nudged George but George just looked at him with no expression.

"Dude, you're being rude." He whispered, George looked up at Alice who was sipping her coffee quietly.

"I'm working on our new song." He replied. Alice's ears pricked up.

"A new song? That's so exciting! Can I hear it?" She asked, Matty grinned at her enthusiasm while George just stared at her.

"Play her the demo." Matty urged George, wanting to impress Alice. George clicked at his computer a few times before pressing play. There were some noises then Matty's voice came in.

"Well I swear, there's a ghost on this island
His hands, all covered in blood
My wife inquired of understanding
But of course my dear, you can't
She said 'How can I relate to somebody who doesn't
Speak? I feel like I'm just treading water.
Is it the same for you?
Is it the same for you?
Well he comes and he goes, so capricious.
And his work appears so rushed.
Well I love the house that we live in.
I love you all too much
Is it the same for you?
Is it the same for you?
Is it the same for you?
Is it the same for you?
Well criminals and liars, keep him in your cell as a privilege of mine.
Well I love the house that we live in, I love you all too much
The blood is on your tongue as well as your hands.
The blood is on your tongue as well as your hands."

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