02. love me

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and again...explicit content. I promise it dies down later on...;)
Matty was late to this one. All his friends, band mates etc were there but he was too busy trying to meet with his dealer to get there on time. His dealer was unsuccessful so he was walking into this party sober and pissed off, he was never sober but always pissed off.

Kat hadn't planned on coming to this party but her friend forced her to. She wandered around aimlessly, looking for no one in particular, just somebody. She could feel everyone's eyes on her as she walked past them, a few wolf whistles here and there but none were from who she wanted.

Matty was passed a beer as soon as he walked in but he wanted something stronger. He made his way to the only other guy he knew who could get him what he craved and threw him a fifty pound note. The guy winked at him, slipping him something he actually wanted and what he thought he needed.

Pushing past everyone, he made his way upstairs to try and find an empty bedroom. He walked down all the halls until he reached one where he couldn't hear people fucking. It wasn't much of a bedroom, it was just a mattress with a duvet on it and a couple of pillows. It would do though.

As he pierced his veins with the toxin, he rolled his eyes back and laughed. It really was the greatest of all sins; in that moment. He tossed the instruments away and waltzed out of the room, feeling cocky and free from all worries in life.

He collapsed next to his mates who were all laughing at something ridiculous. His eyes met George's, who knew immediately that he wasn't right. George pulled Matty's neck so his head was on his shoulder. Matty listened to their conversation, they were making assumptions about everyone in the room.

"Why do we even come to these things. There full of drunk musicians who can't even play an instrument and wannabe pop stars who are willing to sleep to get to the top." Matty piped up, they all laughed and cheersed to that. He laughed with them and then closed his eyes to rest.

"Now here's two ladies who know how to party!" Ross burst all of a sudden. Two figures joined the group, but Matty's eyes were closed.

"Hello, stranger." A voice opened his eyes. It was her, it was Kat. She was stood in front of him while her friend firmly sat herself on Adam. Matty pulled his head off George's shoulder and held out his hand for her. The world seemed to spin around her.

"Come 'ere. Give us a kiss" he grinned at her, she took his hand and allowed him to pull her down onto his lap. His hair tickled her neck, causing her to giggle. He pushed her hair back and kissed her with everything he had. Everyone was beyond confused.

"Easy mate, you'll eat her alive." Adam chuckled, the girl on his lap laughed with her. Matty came up for air and laughed.

"Do you guys know each other?" George asked, neither of them answered because they really didn't know each other at all.

Matty turned to George and kissed him on the cheek before pushing Kat off his lap and standing up with her.

"Whey!" They all cheered as he took her hand, he gave them a middle finger before pushing her from behind towards the staircase.

He had claimed that room as his now, he knew no other drunken fool would go that far down the halls and it everything he needed for what he wanted to do to her.

"Why do you assume I'm going to sleep with you?" She wondered as he led her into the room. His mouth fell open, how could've he have been such a cliché. She pressed her back against the wall while he stumbled on his words. He collapsed onto the mattress and sighed.

"Sorry." He said to the wall. "You're just...so...just..." he couldn't get his words out as he positioned himself so he was cross legged on the mattress. She knelt in front of him and rubbed under his eyes. He gave her a hazed smile with half closed eyes.

"What are you on?" She chuckled, not thinking that he would reply so honestly.

"Just the good stuff." He pulled a hand to his forearm where he had injected himself not long ago, a big smile on his face. Kat's face dropped as she realised, he just chuckled. "Come on kitty kat." He grinned as she stood up. She stared down at him, trying to make the right decision. Instead, she made the decision that felt good.

He pulled her hips towards his face and ran his hands up her body. She placed a hand in his wild curly black hair and pushed his head into her front. As he laughed, she felt his vibrating mouth against her jeans and smiled.

He unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them down, kissing along her legs as they were revealed. She could feel his smirk against her skin and stepped out one leg at a time. He kissed up her thighs, earning a sigh from her lips.

She tangled her hands through his hair, which she adored, as he gave her a small kiss through her underwear. Becoming impatient, she took them off for him and gripped his hair again.

As he kissed her, she made the most inhuman noises. He pulled away and started laughing at them, she gasped at his childishness, pushing his head away as he giggled relentlessly. He pulled her on top of him, both of them giggling at each other. She grinded her hips against his, causing him to moan underneath her.

He rolled on top of her, allowing her to take off his leather trousers. They were a bit of a pain to get off, in the end he had to kick them off while she tried not to laugh. He started laughing when she couldn't stop.

"Hey, Hey, Stop it." He pouted, she ran a hand through her hair as he took his shirt off. She climbed on top of him, still giggling.

While there first night together was hot and sexy, this one was just fun. Kat had never laughed during sex, at least not in a good way but tonight she found herself giggling whenever Matty fumbled around with something or whispered something in her ear.

She sat on top of him rolling her hips while they got off, his hair kept flopping in his face. He ran his hands through his hair then laid down while she stayed on top. Then he did something she wasn't sure was sexy or not right. He lit a cigarette while she was still screwing him. She stopped for a second and he gave her a funny look.

"You ok?" He pushed himself back up so he was at her level, the smoke coming out of his mouth as he spoke. She decided then and there that it was sexy so she took the cigarette from his mouth and wrapped an arm around his neck.

"The best I've ever been" She smirked, he grinned as she blew smoke into his mouth. He knew exactly what that meant and he agreed. A quick kiss later and they were still at it.

Matty collapsed next to her, putting his arm around her just for a quick cuddle. Kat didn't like to cuddle after a one night stand but then she realised that Matty wasn't a one night stand, he was a two night stand that she wanted to be a three night stand or maybe even four.

"Hey, my band is playing a show tomorrow night. Do you wanna come? You can bring your friends?" He asked, Kat repositioned herself so she was laying on her stomach next to him.

"Sure. Do you wanna text me the details?" She smirked. He ran his tongue round his mouth as he smiled and then nodded. He leant over to the floor and grabbed his phone from his jeans, passing it to her. She put her number in then passed it back. "What do you do in your band?" She asked, he turned his head to her.

"Lead singer, play guitar." She couldn't help but laugh, he'd said that to impress her. His eyebrows raised, "What? Are you into drummers or something?" He laughed. Just to see his reaction she shrugged, he laughed again and moved his hand down her body. "Yeah right." He whispered, kissing her neck.

"Mhm, which one of your friends is the bassist?" She smirked as he sucked on her skin. Her mouth turned into an 'oh' shape as he nibbled her neck.

"I can play bass" he mumbled against her skin. She chuckled and pulled him to kiss her properly.

"I guess you'll do."

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