35. i always wanna die (sometimes)

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Matty drove back round to Alice's the following week, she invited him over and he felt like he just couldn't say no.

She opened the door but didn't stop to say hello, just walked away immediately. Matty felt like leaving, she was clearly in a mood and he didn't feel like dealing with it. He was still in a mood after his hit of jealousy with Kat and George.

"What's wrong?" He groaned as he followed her into her kitchen. He noticed she was cooking, which was odd.

"You never come over to see me. I always have to invite you and then you act as if you just don't want to be here when you do come over." She attacked him straight away. Matty was not up for this after what he had witnessed with Kat and George.

"I'm confused. Did I do something?" He asked, wondering where this had come from. "I come over all the time" he pointed out.

"Yeah as a last resort! If none of your friends are around you're like 'oh I guess I'll go and see my girlfriend now'" she mocked him using the worst British accent. His face scrunched up as he cringed.

"Stop making arguments out of nothing. Do you want me to stay or not?" He didn't see this as a big thing. He knew girls got upset if you don't spend time with them but he was spending time with her now.

"I'm making dinner, my friends are coming over. Do you want to stay?" Matty really didn't want to have dinner with Dylan, Hannah and Wren.

"I mean, sure. Your friends are cool and I'm hungry" he lied. She stared at him.

"You sure you wouldn't rather go and eat with Kat? Or George?" She spat, Matty's blood started to boil.

"You can be a real bitch sometimes Alice. I don't even know what your on about half the time." He spat back.

"You don't even like me! Why are you still with me?" She yelled at him. Matty stood there in shock.

"You're delusional." He shook his head, the words coming out shaky and breathy. Tears brimmed in her eyes just as the doorbell rang.

"You will be nice to my friends" she glared at him as she pushed past to get to the door.

Matty stood, staring at the floor and wondering how he had gotten into this position. Seventy eight percent of the time, he was happy with Alice but that other twenty two percent was really heart wrenchingly bad.

"Matty! I didn't know you were going to be joining us!" Hannah burst as she entered the room. He smiled and hugged her politely.

"Surprise I guess." He muttered as Alice entered the room again with Wren and Dylan. They all exchanged hello's and then sat down at the table.

"Now I feel like a fifth wheel." Hannah laughed, Matty pulled a face, remembering New Year's Eve.

"I can call Hann if you want." He shrugged, Alice slapped his arm and he cried out. "What!" His eyes squinted at her in anger. Her expression matched his. "What are you not good with Hann anymore?" He asked, Hannah blushed deeply as her friends stared at her. They clearly don't pay attention to their friends love life.

"I haven't seen him since New Years so I don't know what you're talking about." Hannah lied very clearly. Matty scoffed and laughed slightly.

"Okay." He said unconvinced. Hannah glared at him, joining Alice while Wren and Dylan sat awkwardly.

Matty was always awake when Hannah would come over and go straight to Adam's room. It was wildly disturbing to him.

"Dinners done. Let me go and get it." Alice cut the awkward silence. Matty smiled loosely at the others.

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