59. settle down and find himself a wife

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Sorry it's been so long :/

The minute they set down in Barcelona, Kat's phone was ringing like crazy. Matty was carrying her bags as she answered her phone. She hated flying, so did Matty so the stress of customs had not put her in the mood to answer this particular call.

"Hello?" She asked. Matty saw that her handbag was slipping off her shoulder so he took it off her. She took the phone from her ear as kissed his cheek before putting it back to it. "Sorry, hello?" She said again.

"Kat! Can you hear me?" A familiar voice rang through. Her face dropped.

"Chrissy?" She gasped. Angie's head snapped up from in front of her.

"Hey! I'm so glad I could reach you. I had to go through your mum and then your dad!" Chrissy O'Neil was Angie and Kat's cousin. She owned an online gossip blog that earned her millions and Angie and Kat despised her.

"Wow. I haven't heard from you in a while." Kat's heart raced. She felt as if this call would come soon. She never thought that she would pray that it was about someone's death more.

"I know! Are you with Angie? I saw on your Instagram that you two were back together. You were always my favourite cousins!" They were her only cousins.

"Yeah. I'm with her. Do you want to speak to her?" She asked.

The group had stopped now just outside the exit. They all chatted amongst themselves while Angie watched Kat intently, wondering what was going on with their cousin Chrissy. Matty glanced back at the two every once in a while to check if they were okay. Kat passed the phone to Angie.

"Chrissy?" She asked, her voice full of fear.

"Oh my gosh! Ang! Put me on speaker, I have something to ask you both." She demanded. Angie closed her eyes and let out a sigh before doing as she told.

"Here we go." Kat whispered.

"I'm getting married!" She screamed through the phone. The whole group turned around.

"Yay." Both girls said with dead faces but excited voices. Matty snorted.

"And I want you both to be bridesmaids!" She announced, they both squealed.

Matty watched Kat so lovingly and with such longing. George was watching Matty as he tried to talk to him but it wasn't happening. He was too invested in his girl.

"It's in two months." She explained, they made the appropriate sound affects. She told them she would e-mail them with the details of the hen do and the rest of the stuff before hanging up.

"Fuck, Angie. What are we going to do?" Kat tugged at the end of her hair.

"Fuck knows but she's definitely pregnant." Angie shook her head. Kat burst out laughing.

"You think?" She laughed, they laughed together.

George and Matty stopped their conversation and looked at the two girls laughing. They looked at each other and smiled.

"Okay. Let's just enjoy Spain." Angie sighed. "We'll worry about Chrissy later." She sighed, they gave each other a reassuring look and then joined the group again.

Matty swung his arm around Kat and kissed her dead on the lips multiple times. She smiled up at him.

"You okay, babe?" He asked, wanting to know about the phone call. She scrunched up her face.

"My horrible cousin is getting married and wants me to be a bridesmaid" she explained, he raised his eyebrows.

"Sounds spectacular." He grinned, he loved weddings. "Remember what happened at the last wedding we went to?" He said in her ear. She giggled.

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