65. oh stop being an asshole

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Kat and Angie sat in Kat's new flat's kitchen. It was a really nice flat, spacious and not too much of a downgrade from her house in Manchester. Kat planned on letting Angie move in with her to the spare room since she lived for free now.

"So, let's weigh this out so you can call Matty" Angie passed her her cup of tea. Kat blew on it and stared out the window onto the busy London road. "Pros" She started.

"Great job, free place to live, good pay according to this" she flicked through the contract.

"Living with your sister" She added, Kat smiled and nodded. "I'm going to have to call dad" She rubbed her forehead with stress. "I'm going to call him now" She announced, not wanting to talk about the cons. In reality, she had made up her mind. She would be stupid to turn down this job especially since George and Angie had gone out of their way to get her the interview.

She walked onto her balcony and called her dad.

"Hey stranger" Her dad answered, she smiled.

"Hey dad, sorry I haven't called in a while" She started. She hadn't called him since she had left for tour and she felt guilty.

"That's ok, love. I know touring must be displacing." He understood. She smiled.

"Well, dad. I'm actually in London right now because I had a job interview this morning." She explained. She stared out onto the busy roads and imagined herself with a cup of coffee in the morning.


"Tammy sent over some songs that I had written for Matty's band to a couple of record labels and one of them liked me. They hired me on the spot, gave me a flat here and everything." She relayed the day to him.

"So you're not coming home anytime soon?" He asked. She paused.

"Well I'll come back this weekend to get my stuff and say goodbye to everyone but I guess if I sign the contract then I'm moving to London." She explained. Her dad sighed.

"Wow, okay. Will you promise me you'll come for dinner this weekend then?" He asked she smiled.

"You think I should take the job?" She asked, her dad sighed.

"You would be a fool to turn it down." He explained, she nodded and took in a deep breath.

"Ok then, I guess I have to make another call. I love you, dad. I'll call you tomorrow"

"Love you. Let me know how it all goes" she hung up and turned around to see Angie at the door.

"Was he okay with it?" Angie still felt a bit awkward concerning their dad but this wasn't the time to deal with the issue.

"He told me to go for it. Guess I have to call Matty now" She stared at her phone, terrified. Her hands started to shake as she pressed on his name and the phone started to ring.

"Good luck" Angie blew her a kiss and left her to it.

"Hey" Matty seemed to sigh with relief as he answered. He had been rehearsing all day and was worried she was going to call during the show. It was so nice to hear his voice, it almost calmed Kat down.

"Hey" She replied in the same way. Matty bit his lip at the sound of her voice but could hear the shake underlying her words. He knew what was coming.

"So, how was the interview?" He didn't step around it, he needed to know. Kat stayed silent for a moment before deciding what to say next.

"I met Alex Turner" She decided on. There was a pause before Matty laughed, he couldn't help himself.

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