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Hey! Welcome to Total Drama Revenge of the Island!


A little while ago, I auditioned for the reality tv show Total Drama. I can't believe I actually got on the new cast for this season!!! Total Drama Revenge of the Island!!! I'm on a boat to camp, just resting my arms on the railing and watching the water.  A breeze goes through my hair...

"And y/n!," Chris announces

"The air feels so nice from up here!"


"Yeah, fresh air..-" he sniffs quickly "a real lake!" The points out the water "Birds!" The birds then take him by surprise and he falls over the balcony, onto the floor deck

"And finally, Sam!" It's a boy playing video games that doesn't even notice the poor bubble boy fall next to him.

"Are you okay!?" I yell only to here a muffled 'yeah'.

"Yep! It's our ruffest, tuffest,most explosive season ever!" Chris hosts

The boat explodes as he pushes a button and continues to narrate.

"On Total Drama Revenge of the Island!!"


I land with a splash and look around. Cameron lands on a rock as Maria swims by him angrily. I swim over and purch myself on the rock.

"Hey Cameron are you alright?" I poke him but he only groans and nods.

"Okay, I hope you feel better!" I jumped into the water and swam to shore with B behind me carrying Cameron on his back.



"What was that?!" I asked in panick and huffed from the run.

"I'm pretty sure that roar did not belong to any known species!" Cam yelled

"Relax,you'll find out soon.." he laughed evily "This season will be very different..one person will be going home every week!"

~Que le gasp~ and Chris immunity explanation with Chris's chin cleft looking like a butt...

"Now for team names"

"Team Lightening! No wait.... Lightening Squad!"

"Great team names lightening, but the team names have already been chosen by mauh. Team A will now be the Toxic Rats. And Team B,you are here by dubbed the Mutant Maggots!"

"But I was never assigned a team!" Y/n shouted


"Now before we start the very first challenge of the season, since we have an odd number. Y/n Will join who ever is the winning team later."

"That's unfair!" Joe shouted

"The losing team would have a two player disadvantage." Cameron said

"Don't think about her as a disadvantage, think about Y/n as a prize! If your team wins the challenge you get a new member." Chris smirks

"Okay...what do I do now?"

"We'll take you to camp to observe while we make their lives a living hell" he laughed mischievously.


I hope everyone enjoyed and you continue to read this story!

(Edit: I promise it gets better and a bit longer chapters!)


Total Drama Mike x (Female)ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now