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Chapter 4☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

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Chapter 4

"RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!" Chris yelled while a horn went off all over camp.



"What's going on!?"

People rushed to get out dressed and ran to the noise which was made by Dakota?! She's back as an intern?

"Challenge time!"

"What now? In the middle of the night?....when it's all dark?" Brick asked wearily

The challenge was to retrieve three things on the island while avoiding booby traps. And of course without losing members.

We ran off into the woods and ended up following the toxic rats to the first thing a key!

"Good job cam!"

"Whoah where's Zoey?!" Mike said "Zoey!!" He called ad he ran with us.

We got to a grave yard and started looking for the next object. Brick had fallen into a hole and started yelling. We pulled him out of the hole and he was freaking out and wet himself. He left to dry off but then he yelled again so we ran to check on him and he disappeared like Zoey!

"Oh well, dead weight" Jo concluded

"Hey Brick is a person, we can't just ignore he's disappeared!" I said

"Yeah your attitude stinks" Mike said

"Its what a winning team does" Jo said,

"Oh yeah, well if Zoey and Brick are gone and we don't find them, we're gonna lose points, is that what a winning team does?" I said standing up to her, she scoweled and there was a visible height difference but I didn't back down.

"Fine, have it your way" Jo backed off and we continued to look for the next object. I sat on the lowest branch while Mike stood on one of the highest.

"Zoey!!!, Zoey! Where are you!?!" We called out to her until I heard a snap and Mike was falling. I grabbed onto his hand before he hit the ground and sighed. He seemed unharmed but his shirt wasn't so lucky. I held onto his hand and he said

"Thanks caramellina*"

"Oh Vito!" Anne Maria said as she swatted my hand away causing Vito to slip and land on a grave.

"Vito are you okay!" I jumped off the branch I was on since it was close to the ground.

"Hey I think I found a clue!" Anne Maria exclaimed while she looked at a grave

"Where's the freaking sun, how am I supposed to get a freaking tan over here"

"Aaaahhhhh! Vito!" Anne Maria shrieked with joy

"Anne Maria I think you found it!" Cam said examining the gravestone as Anne Maria bragged about finding it.

"Just open it already" Jo said

"Jeeze keep your sweatpants on" Anne Maria grumbled as she went to the grave and unlocked it with a key a booby trap hit her and I couldn't help but giggle.

"Flashlights, these will be really useful later!" Cam said

"Can you hand me one cam?"

"Sure" he stretched one out to me and I grabbed it


"Hey muscles, close up the coffin so the rats don't know we were here" Vito just nodded and punched the coffin back in

"Hey cam- wait Cam? Jo?" I turned around and when I turned back Jo and Cam were gone! And Vito and Anne Maria were gone too!

Wait, what's that noise?

I turned on my flashlight and walked to the tree Mike had fallen off of.

" Vito! Anne Maria?! Where are you?!" I heard...making out???


"I don't know, I got kinda sick right there. Do I like Mike? No way, I just don't like Anne Maria."

"Let me just say worst 10 minutes of my life"


"Hey you two"

No response.

"Hello, we have a challenge to win!" I resorted to flashing the flashlight in there faces.



"Hurry up, Jo and Cam are ahead and we lost Brick and Zoey, we need to keep going"

They followed me and my flashlight and we headed to a cave marked with team colors. Inside we met up with Cam but no Jo, she had disappeared to.

"Hey look up ahead, those must be the last objects. I wonder what there for?" Cam said as he ran over to the hooks on the rock skull.

"Cameron look out!" Anne Maria yelled as a spider attacked Cam and attached him to a web with the missing teammates!

After, Sam and Scott showed up and stated the obvious. Then they tried to get a hook but fell and got captured.

"Go get the hook Vito" Anne Maria tried but Vito showed no interest in her,

"Go get the hook and I'll give you more of this" she grabbed his face and started kissing him.

"Hey!" I grabbed one of her wrists away from his face and pulled her away.

"Hey! Back off, can't you see we were having a moment!"

"No, he obviously isin't in his right mind and your taking advantage of him!"

"Sorry, Vito's only into classy girls" she said and then proceeded to burp.

As we argued Vito heard Zoey yell and turned into Mike after seeing Zoey struggle.

"Get the hook not the shnook!" Anne Maria called.

Mike started climbing and i followed after. He sprang up with Svetlana and saved Brick.

Me and Mike stayed to try and free our teamates, but in the end the web collapsed so we all fell.

Meanwhile Brick, Sam and Scott finished the race and team Toxic rats was declared the winner because it had lost the least team members. The spider turned out to be Izzy, a member from last season.


"Welcome to your first bonfire ceremony! And mmmmmhhhhh this tension is so delish I could kiss someone!" Chris teased

I sat by Cameron with my eyes trained on the fire, worried about Mike's wellbeing.

Brick had volunteered for elimination.

"Brick you can't just leave-" I argued

"He can and he will, because from now on, Brick and Jo will be against each other" Chris declared

"Huh?!" The team shouted

*little candy
(Don't ask y I put that in)


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