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Chapter 24☆☆

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Chapter 24

"This season on Total Drama All-Stars... Fourteen competitors returned for another shot at one million dollars. Your favorite heroes and villains battled for supremacy in our most painful and grueling challenges ever! But it was the betrayals that cut the deepest. Gwen dropped Duncan. Alejandro could walk the whole time. Courtney lied about wanting to go the end with Gwen. And Mike repeatedly left his best friends in the lurch. Or was it all the work of Mal, Mike's evil new personality?

"In the end, Y/n won the penultimate challenge, and Gwen and Scott took a ride in the Flush of Shame. After twelve killer challenges, we're down to our final two players. Who will take home the million dollar prize? Aw, dude" Chris whines after Chef dropped the case with the million then cleared his throat "Will it be Y/n or the Multi Mess Mal formerly Mike? Find out right here, right now on the season finale of Total. Drama. All-Stars!"


Getting out of the nice bed was hard, but it was finally time to face Mal/Mike in the finale.

Y/n- "You may be thinking, why do I want to win the million?" She sighs "and my honest answer is to go to a college of my choosing. I may be a cheerleader now with slightly above average grades, but I'm not gonna be a cheerleader all my life.

"Maybe I'll be in a career in mental health care, or help make police officer's better at their job, or maybe even start my own company. I don't know what I want to do yet, but I want the money to help me with school and help out my family if they need it. Then put some in charity and the rest in savings." She wonders.. "I wonder what Mike would use the money for...?"


I walked out of the hotel and over to where I saw Mal waiting on the cabin porch.


He looked over and stared


She walked to his side

"I just wanted to say good luck and do your best"

"Yeah, but you better watch out I'm going for the million"

"So am I, so you better watch out to!"

"I will" he said with an underlying tone of uncertainty.


Yesterday, in Mike's Mind


"How is Y/n!?"

Was the first thing Mike asked after Manitoba came back.

"She's doing fine, she said she missed us all and wondered how we were doing after tackling me to the ground."

Total Drama Mike x (Female)ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now