Who saved Zoey?

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Chapter 19☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

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Chapter 19

"I have a big announcement. Today, the teams are being merged!" Chris announces on the megaphone "That's right! From now on, challenges are for individual winners only. And everyone is at risk of getting the not-so-royal flush-"he picks up his ringing phone "-I have to take this. It's my stylist. Yeah! How come my socks don't match my shirt?" He continues to talk on the phone-


"Stick together no matter what?" Zoey says

"Friendship finale, version 2.0, here we come!" Cam cheers

"Hey, um, can I get in on that?" Mal asks with Mike's cheerfulness

"Yeah!" I say

"Of course!" Cam says with uncertainty

Cameron- "For now..."

Zoey- "Just ask the tarot. What's next for Mike?" She pulls 3 cards "The lonely prisoner, the creepy tower, and the evil leprechaun? Meh, I couldn't remember all the cards, so I made a few up. I don't know what to do about Mike, I think I should just stay away from him for a bit."

Y/n- "First, I have to make sure Mal doesn't hurt anyone till the finale! And second I have to bring all the personalities and Mike back. If I'm done with that, I'll win the million!"

Mal- "It's so easy to imitate Mike, not even Zoey has a clue I'm not him. I should've done this years ago. Only Y/n stands in my way" he chuckles evilly



"Come on! Ugh..." He pulls at the chain on his ankle "Ah! Man, what a drag! Ooh, wait. What's with the top of that tower? It kinda looks like..."

The question marks in the air bring the question

'Who? Who? Who? Who? Who? Who?'

"Yes!" Mike jumps up and graps a flying question mark which he uses to free himself of the chained boulder attached to him.

'Why? Why? Why?'

Some more whiz by,

"Because!" Mike shouts at them. Beginning to walk he spots someone ahead "Chester! Are you... selling skateboards?"

"Eh, it was Mal's idea" Chester responds

"Maybe you could help me fight him and get control of my mind again!" Mike says

"Who, Mal? Oh, why he's the whippiest snapping whippersnapper that ever snapped a--" Chester ranted

"Chester! Will you help me?" Mike interrupts

Total Drama Mike x (Female)ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now