Sleeping Beauty

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Chapter 15☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

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Chapter 15

It was late at night as everyone was sleeping, well, almost everyone. A figure stood by Sierra's bed, he grabbed her phone and crushed it in his hands. But he was not the only one awake at this hour.

Y/n had gotten up for some water, her eyes heavy as she tried not to sleep before she hit her bed. She walked through the halls as she bumped into something, no someone.

"Sorry, didn't see you there" she said as she took a step back to rub her eyes.

"Oh-it's okay I was just heading to bed"

She looked up at him "Okay, but who are you?" She asked curiously

"Huh? It's Mike silly" he insisted

"No your the personality from before, I still don't know what your name is"

"How did you know?"

"Your voice switch isin't so subtle. Plus, your hair is different" she observed

He gave in,"'s Mal"

"Nice to meet you Mal," she smiled sleepily at him "make sure you don't stay up too late. We have a challenge tommorow"

"Fine, I was just finishing up anyway" Mal grumbled, his deaper voice back, and his attitude changed

"goodnight Mal"

"Yeah, Y/n"


"Shh!" Sierra whispers

"Huh?.." Duncan yawns and rubs at his sleep filled eyelids.

"Surprise! Welcome to the Hero Team Duncan!" The Hamsters yell with the exeption of the butler next to them

Duncan- "euhhh, to all my peeps back home and in juvie. I am not a hero, it must be a trap to gain my trust and then BAM they vote me off. Fat chance of that, but I can't let them know that I know" his voice wavered "So yeah I ate the cake, it was like eating the happiest day of my life" he admitted


"Duncan on team hero! The fans will lose it! I have to get a photo for my blog!" Sierra cried as she ran off to get her phone.

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