An improvement.

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Chapter 20☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

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Chapter 20

"I didn't vote for you! Honest!" Zoey defends herself

"It doesn't matter if we voted for Cam or not, someone messed with the votes" Y/n said

"Yeah, someone's been up to no good. We should search the cabin and see if we can find any clues" Mal suggests

"Good idea! Thanks, you guys!" Cam cheered

"Uh yeah, you guys better check over there" Mal said

"Nope! Nothing here, Um, Zoey?" Cam said as he checked a heater

"No clues in the drawers, either" Zoey said as she checked

Mal checked Alejandro's bed "What?..." he said in confusion.

"Anything there?" I asked him

"Well, ye-- no" Mal said with an underlying tone of confusion

Cam looked under Mike's bed to find voting ballots of himself "You!" Cam accuses Mike

"Uh..." Mal said like a deer stuck in headlights "Heh, okay. As if! Why would I stick them under my mattress and then suggest searching the cabin?" Mal defended

"H-He's right, Cam. It makes no sense!" Zoey said still wary around Mike.

"None of it does! It's unlike any equation I've ever encountered! Endangerment plus betrayal times evidence equals... gah!" Cam says with frustration as he storms out of the cabin.


Over the loudspeaker "Challenge time! Proceed to the McLean Spa Library! Pronto!"


Mal stood infront of a door.

Mal clears his throat "I won't do it! No, Cameron's my friend!" He says falsely

"Um, what's going on?" Cam asks

Mal turns around quickly "Hey! Huh, pfft, Scott and Courtney were just saying bad stuff about you" he shrugged it off.


"Alejandro and Gwen too"

"Gwen? I thought we were friends. But then... she was on the villains team. Thanks, pal. Sorry I said I couldn't trust you. Obviously I can"

Mal grins "Good, but we're still in danger. Right now, it's three to four. You, me, and $#^$# vs. everyone else! We need to lure one of them into our gang or make sure #^$^#* is with us"

"But how?" Cam asks

"I'll think of something" Mal says


Total Drama Mike x (Female)ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now