Manitoba Smith!?

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Chapter 7☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

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Chapter 7

This morning reminded me that the teams will only get smaller. And there are only so many people you can trust.

I got prepaired for the morning and left to the mess hall with Zoey by my side.

"Hey Y/n? What do you think the next challenge will be?"

"I don't know, but it's probably something to do with toxic waste since the whole island is covered in it" we continued walking and Zoey tried to start another conversation.

"What do you think about our team?"

"Um.. It could be better. But everyone seems like they care at least"

"Um? What do you think about Cameron?"

"Oh he's like a little brother to me, or a best friend"

"What about Mike?"

"um he's really nice, he's he's really funny, and a really good friend" I smiled

"Oh, okay"

"Why do you ask?"

"Ummmm...No reason! No reason at all just curious!"

Zoey: "I thought Y/n liked Mike, as in like like. I was a little worried- what am I saying, I wasn't worried!" She laughs awkwardly and puts her hand over the camera

"Don't look at me like that!"


Jo and Lightening walked in the mess hall shortly after we did.

"Lets get this disgusting joke we call breakfast over with" Jo called into the hall.

"We can't, chef's not here and neither is breakfast!" Cam stated.

We then proceed to look for food until Lightening found meat in the walk in freezer. We all walked in and it shut close behind us, we were in the back of a truck drove by chef.

"Challenge time suckers!"
He said through the little slide window.


After chef unloaded us, we found Chris waiting for us on a screen.

"Todays challenge is to find a golden Chris statue in your  team color hidden somewhere in this old abandoned mine. First team back wins!"

After getting a backpack and putting on a chemical badge, we were told we had 30 minutes to do the challenge before we could die from our exposure to toxic waste.

Total Drama Mike x (Female)ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now