Mal smiles.

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Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


"I know it's hard" Zoey told Courtney

Y/n- "Courtney was talking to Zoey about Scott breaking up with her, how did I know?" She mumbled sleepily rubbing at her eyes with a yawn "Maybe because before they walked in the cabin I was just trying to relax on my bed by taking a long nap, until they walked in at least" she said lazily.


Courtney paces back and forth, ignoring Zoey.

"Kissing Cameron was an acident!"

Zoey put on a neutral tone "Of course but..."

Courtney just got even more aggravated "HE kissed ME!"

"TIME OUT!" Zoey yelled "Sorry, just, Maybe you just need to talk?" She suggests peacefully.

By this point I was moving to get back to sleep until I heard a knock and a whisper of my name at the cabin window.


Quickly getting up as I recognized the voice, I walk out of the cabin unnoticed by the other two girls.

"Hey Mal what's up?" I asked in curiosity

"Nothing much, I was wondering..."

"Wondering...?" I said hopeful

He glared at my teasing smile.


♡Mal's pov♡

"You know if you wanted to hang out with me on the dock you could have just asked" Y/n smiled

"Well we're here now aren't we?" I said while rolling my eyes at her.

"Okay, okay, no need to get all grumpy."

We sat in silence for a bit. Something that I never really experienced with 'everyone' around.

"Hey Mal?"

I looked over "Hm?"

"You have a nice smile"

'Since when did I start smiling!?'

Total Drama Mike x (Female)ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now