Mike's my Friend.

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Chapter 14☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

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Chapter 14

The next morning the Heroic Hamsters were having breakfast. As Courtney complained, next to Mike I saw the others smuggling  food for Sam, so I grabbed some napkins and smuggled some out for him to.


"At ease soilders, lets all welcome back  exiled Hamster Sam"

"Hey Sam, how was exile?" Zoey asked

"Aside from the blinding hunger and bear attacks, pretty good actually...-oof!" He said as he fell down

"Don't worry buddy, we smuggled you breakfast!" Mike said as everyone but Courtney pulled out food


"Welcome to today's experiment with your pain thresholds" he laughed "get ready for an ingenius twist on the war-movie challenge from season 2. There are two weapon caches in the heart of the forest. The big one is filled with state-of-the-art paintball weaponry, and the little one has a bunch of cruddy old paintball slingshots. Whoever gets there first gets their pick, and then you've gotta pick off the competition. You get one point for each opponent you splatter. First team to take out everyone on the opposing team wins!"

"But thats 7 on our 6!" Jo complained

"If you want to be even then you should win a challenge" Chris answered

"Paintball again, ooh original! What a twist!" Duncan sighed

"Oh yeah, that. One of the conditions of my parole is that I can't use or be around hard projectiles like paintball, so... instead, you'll be using.. Leeches!"
Chef followed Chris's explanations, showing us a bucket of leeches.

Y/n- "When Chris said we would be doing paintball, I was excited. I've been paintballing before with my friends, but when he said we'd be using leeches! I guess I should have expected it with Chris as our host. It won't be to bad unless I get shot" she laughs nervously " No way am I letting that on my body even if I have to shoot everyone by myself"


"As winners of yesterday's challenge, the Heroes get a full one minute head start. Ready...set...*gun fire*"


"Move it! Hustle! Or so help me, you'll never see another sunrise!" Courtney screamed at Sam as Mike, Sierra, and I helped Sam keep up.

Mike- "Courtney is kinda scary sometimes" *gasp* " And I love when things get scary" he laughs with malevolence *gasp* "So, uh... What was I saying?"

Y/n- "If Courtney yells at us one more time so help me as soon as we get to our crate I will fire leeches at her!" She takes a breath "Instead of yelling she could help us or I don't know give Sam some encouragement, is it really that hard!?" She pouted in annoyance

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