7-1-21 Update?

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Hey guys I know it's been a long time now and can i just say 66K!!!???

-if i could i would insert a screenshot here

Anywho I don't know if anyone whos already read will actually see this but I just wanted to thank you all for the supporting this book. I could have never imagined it would get this big. When I started this I just wanted to correct how Total Drama did Mike wrong, plus I wanted cute Mike/ Mal/ Manitoba/ Svetlana/ Vito/ and Chester moments (as I'm sure you all did~).

On that note lets get to the update (yes there actually is news). I have made an outline for a chapter of a oneshot but i can't really write it right now because my phone broke :( But I'll try my best to get it out soon. I won't say much as to not spoil it~I know some of yall have been asking and I plan to deliver. Sadly its more than a little late, I'm sorry its not out any sooner!

Once again Thank you all! I hope you guys had as good a time reading this as I had writing this.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Mari-chan💛

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