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Chapter 16☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

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Chapter 16

I was picking at my slop sitting on the balcony with the rest of the team nearby.

Cam was walking with his slop "This slop tastes like dirt gravy. Which technically would be mud-" he tripped down the steps "Whoa! Oof!"

"Wow Cam, you okay?" Mike helps him to his feet first "Here you go, buddy" and hands him his glasses. They stay on for a second before breaking in half and falling to the floor.

"Oh boy..." he mumbled hopelessly

"Oh no your glasses!"

Zoey: "I can't believe what I just saw! Or have just seen. No, saw. Either way, I can't believe it! Why would Mike do that to Cameron? They're friends! Did Mike break Sams Gameguy too? And Sierra's smart phone? But why?" She asks clueless.

Y/n- "Poor Cam, now he won't be able to see! And Zoey lookes like she's day dreaming, Sierra literally screamed in her ear and she hardly flinched. I wonder whats up with her? I hope the challenge goes better than today is, I miss the spa hotel too" she sighs


"Evening, campers! Gather 'round the starting line for a big announcement!"
The loudspeaker plays as Scott is brought back from boney island. "Good news you guys! As a special treat it's time for an extremely dangerous nightime challenge! In a nod to Season 4's Buried Treasure fiasco, your challenge is to race to the far end of the island. First team to get every member across the finish line wins, and someone from the losing team will take the flush."

"Sounds easy enough" Duncan shrugged

"It does doesn't it? But tonights full moon is an extremely rare blue harvest moon, and lets just say it jas an unusual effect on the islands animals. Villainous Vultures, you won the last challenge so you get this map with the fastest route across the island. Heroic chump-sters, you get to wear nifty bacon hats and sausage tails, which should add to the fun when you come face to fang with the island's friendly creatures. And by friendly I mean hungry" Chris chuckles with mischief.

"It the villains have a map of the quickest route..." Mike whispers to Cameron

"We should follow them! Great idea Mike!" Cam then turns as Zoey whispers to him "He did what!" He yells in surprise

Chris starts to count down "On your mark!...Get set!...*air horn*" and both teams head off.


"Mike, why'd you break my glasses?" Cam asks while they run

"What? No I didn't! Who told you that?" Mike questioned

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