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Chapter 22☆☆☆☆☆☆

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Chapter 22

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping, a little morning light, and warm blankets. It was so relaxing, after I noticed I'd slept in a little I went down to the dinning hall in my pajamas. After eating some breakfast I walked back to my room, but not before meeting Mal in the hall as he pulled at a piece of art on the wall.

"You looking for that dvd?"


"Do you need help?"

He turned to look at me.

"It shows what you did in the past and I've forgiven your mistakes. The world has probably seen it already, the only people who haven't, being the ones at camp still. I wouldn't bother.

"Everyone who hasn't seen it will see it once this season is over-" I advised him as I took down the painting next to the one he was currently holding on to. "-but if it means that much to you I'll help."





"I think Mal is getting weaker" Mike said

"Meh. So am I. I gotta sit down." Chester complains

Svetlana spoke next, "Sitting is for after victory!

"Who asked ya, comrade?" Chester retaliated as Svetlana blew a raspberry in reply.

"What the heck?" Mike questions as he identifies what must be a stage ahead of him. From behind the curtains appears Vito sitting on a boulder chained to his leg with a puppet on his lap.

"Ay yo, finally, an audience! Yo, Dominic, I hear your dog has no nose. How does he smell?-" Vito answers as Dominic "-Terrible!

Chester laughs "Ah, genius! Ha ha ha! Give him a nickel!"

"Come on, Vito. Ditch the dummy and join us! We need you if we're gonna defeat Mal." Mike says

"Defeat Mal? Not possible." Dominic says by itself as Vito spit out the water he was drinking in surprise.

"Wow, Vito's kid is hilarious." Chester praised

"I-I-I didn't say nothin." Vito says

"So who did?" Mike asks wearily

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