Manitoba! Mike! Anyone!?

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Chapter 13☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

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Chapter 13

The peaceful morning was interrupted by Courtney's yelling.

"Ahhhh!!! What the heck!?"

"Courtney, what's wrong!?" Zoey askes

"What's going on! Is everyone okay!?" Y/n panicked as she fell off her bed on the top bunk on top of Sierra's still half asleep.

"What's wrong is we're sharing a cabin with a super fan with a bad case of crazy!" Courtney yells

"Hehehe, hey Courtney! I've updated the sleeping section of your picture gallery on my fan site! Weeee!" Sierra laughs,

"Y/n are you okay!" Zoey asked but only got snores in reply.

Sierra- "I hate to break Chris's rules about smuggling in special items like my phone, but I have to keep my TD blogs current!" She typed and read out "Zoey is even sweeter than she is on TV. Courtney is even Courtney-er than ever! And Y/n is so much more caring about everyone than just Mike!" She sighs "It's better this way. Last time, I had a teensy bit of a problem with internet withdrawl, without this link to Codywody I'd probably lose my mind!"


"Oh internet! Never leave me!" Sierra said,

"Room service suckers!" Chef's voice was heard from outside the cabin, as a bucket broke through the cabin door.

"Whats wrong with you!" Courtney screams as the bucket of prison food splaters all over the room. Y/n was still sleeping though she was now on her bed covered up as Zoey had re-tucked her in.

"Here's breakfast~!" Chef chuckled as his head popped through the hole the bucket made in the door.

"We've got to win the next challenge and get into that spa hotel!" Courtney complained


"Attention campers, its challenge time! Get to the beach pronto!" Chris announced

"So who's gonna wake up Y/n? Can I do it!" Sierra asked excited with her phone camera ready

"No! Not for your crazy blog!"


"Bonjour, mes campers! Some of you will recall our season 3 Parisian Find and Build a Sculpture debacle. Well, this time, our interns have buried 3D puzzle pieces all over the beach, seven pieces per team. Find all your pieces and assemble them all on your platform to recreate one of the landmarks visited on our World Tour! First to finish wins!" Chris explained our challenge.

Sam walked over to his team.

"Sam are you okay, what's wrong?"
Zoey asked from next to Cameron

Total Drama Mike x (Female)ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now