Y/n's First challenge

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Chapter 2Part

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Chapter 2

It's the second challenge today. Stacy ended up getting voted of so I ended up on team Mutant Maggots...

(A/n I just realized the teams for some reason are already odd and now I feel kinda dumb but were gonna go for it)


I grabbed my suitcase and walked to the girls side of the cabin. I was joining team Mutant Maggots, doesn't sound really apealling but they seemed nice. I walked in to find Anne Maria spraying her hair and I think the red head is Zoey and the one in the track suit was Jo.

"Hey I'm your new team mate, my names Y/n." Zoey turned to me

"Oh you can sleep on top bunk or bottom bunk,
I'm Zoey" she waved I smiled back at her.

"Thanks Zoey" I put my case on bottom bunk and changed. I did my night routine and went to bed, only to find I felt like I was inhaling hairspray, so I opened a window before going to bed.


"Aaaaahhhhhhhh!" A loud yell was heard through camp.

"What! What's wrong?!"

"Ughhhh, shut up would you"

"What happened?!"

"There are mosquitos everywhere!!!" Anne Maria yelled

"Did you set up traps?" Zoey asked

"No, but that's not the point! Someone left the window open!" Anne Maria replied

I just tried to ignore them and got into bed, but I could feel a glare in my direction.

So much for a great start.


"Up and at 'em it's time for a challenge" Chris blew a horn as we all gathered now in normal cloths.

Lightning was complaining on not having his dp-something, I'm guessing his protein.

"Stop complaining, up to the bay" Chris said everyone sighed as Sam and Dakota's electronics were taken

We walked and walked as we chatted, I learned I was on a team with Cameron, Mike, Brick, Zoey, Anne Maria, and Jo.

Sooner than later we were strapped into kid seats above water.

"I'll be asking our player embarassing questions, and I mean very embarrassing. If the player owns up to there embarrassment, your team gets a point. If you don't own up before the time ends, then this happens."

He dunked us into the shark infested water as we screamed. Water filled my lungs and as the shark got close to Cameron we were lifted up

I coughed out as Zoey pat my back

Total Drama Mike x (Female)ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now