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Chapter 8Part 1

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Chapter 8
Part 1.


"This looks disgusting Zoey"

"I know but its the only food we've got, at least try some?"

"I will for you, but if this kills me..." She trailed off as she stared at the plate of food in front of her.

"I'll take full responsibility for making you eat it, now eat up before you starve to death" she coed at her. With distaste, she picked up her fork and put some in her mouth, she swallowed then gagged.

"That was terrible"

"Your not dead yet?"


I felt my body swaying ever so slightly, and the ground below me was hard and bumpy.

I opened my eyes to find myself on a wood raft with a mutant maggot pole, and the team asleep adrift. Next to us was team toxic rats also asleep in their own raft.

"Zoey!Wake up" I shook her arm she mumbled then got up.

"Where are we?"

"Obviously not in the cabins"

"I don't remember going anywhere after dinner.." Scott groans as he gets up.

"Don't even say anything about dinner..." I gagged at the thought, as Cam got up

"That's it! Turkey makes you sleepy so mutant turkey must have knocked us out!" Cam claims

"Zoey..." I whined "It's your fault I ate that food.."

"Great now we're gonna get eaten by sharks" Scott freaked out

"Nah, I don't think so with all this junk around" Mike wandered to a floating chest
"Hey sweet hat" he picked up a fedora and put it on his he

"Hoowee! G'day Sheila. Aren't you the ridgy didge!" Manitoba chuckled.

Suddenly Cam pushed Zoey into the water, and took off the fedora Manitoba was wearing

"Thanks Cam" Mike said greatfully

"Hey!" Zoey whined, I went to the edge and pulled her up.

"You know out of all of your characters, I like Mike the best" She said to Mike as she stood up.

"What! you do?"

"Sure, but you make it so hard to get to know you. The way you're always playing characters it...it feels like you're hiding from me"

"We're not, I mean, I'm not" Mike defended

"Cam care to tell me whats going on?" I whispered to him

"I'm helping Mike deal with his personalities so he can be in a good place with Zoey"

"That's...nice? Is Mike helping you in any way?"

Total Drama Mike x (Female)ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now