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Chapter 18☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

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Chapter 18

"Well, I knew I knew the guy from somewhere but couldn't place it until I heard him whistle" Duncan claimed

"So that's why you said you knew the tune!" Y/n remembered

"Yeah when I was in juvie so was Mike, only back then his name wasn't Mike but Mal"

"That's his new personality's name, I know him!"

"I knew it! But anyways I think he liked being locked up, he caused trouble just for the fun of it"

"And he hasn't recognized you?"

"No, probably cause I steered way clear of him. But think about it, guy with multiple personality disorder breaks Cam's glasses, he probably broke my knife too, and Sam's gameguy, and Sierra's smartphone!"

"Which is totally out of character for Mike"

"But not for Mal"

"I saw him outside Sierra's room in the spa hotel at night, and I saw him almost knock out Zoey, and I heard some loud clanging noises a couple days ago, maybe it was your knife!" I put together "so it's not out of character for Mal to have done that because I've seen it. I have to talk to Mal and Mike when they get back from boney island, thanks Duncan! Goodnight."

"Yeah, whatever, their can only be one bad boy here anyway. Night" he said as we both walked seperate ways.


"Hey Mike!" Chef called out on boney island, as he did animals came charging at him in a heard and trampled him.

Mal walked over after the animals had gotten away and stepped on chef's hand without a care in the world.

"Hey Chef~" he smirked


"Eugh! Augh!" Mike pulled at his chains that were bound to a rock "Hello!!! Somebody answer me!" A pink molded mirror rose from the ground as Mal appeared in it before Mike. "Huh! You!"

Mal laughs "At your disservice~"

"But I got rid of you! After juvie!"

"Silly Mike, I was just laying low. Conserving my energy, waiting for my moment and. it. worked. Now, I'm in charge"

Mike lunged at the mirror, but fell hopelessly before it as he was still chained to the rock. "Those are innocent people your messing with! You have to stop!"

Total Drama Mike x (Female)ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now