Annoyances (meeting mike?)

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Chapter 3Part

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Chapter 3

I woke up from my bed and brushed my hair only to get a dose of hairspray in my mouth.

"Would you do your hairspray routine outside Anne Maria, I can't breath" I asked her.

"Ohh you can't breath, well you better get used to it baby because I ain't moving just cause you can't handle my morning routine so move it tiny" she shoved me out of the way as she continued to excessively put on more hairspray.

I sighed as I changed quickly and head outside for fresh air and then head for breakfast.

We got some weird white hard stuff that I was sure wasn't edible. Anne Maria had followed me here and was sitting next to Cam who got a taste of her spray. Then there was Jo and Brick who were competitive eating. And Zoey and Mike seemed to be flirting until Mike's voice went into a different accent.

"Darn kids, back then we ate with are hands like decent folk!" He was acting older? That's interesting, I wonder if he can do anymore, and now that I think about it, he did one called Svetlana in the last challenge. A gymnastics girl, she seemed energetic.


"I think something up with Mike. ~gasp~ Is he a comedian? Or an actor in disguise? No couldn't be, maybe it's just another side of him like a personality trait?"


Suddenly a weird muttant animal started going crazy, we then ran out quickly, Mike being last.

"Get your butts to the looming tragedy that is the looming tragedy." Chris announced, we ran and ran until we reached a pile of trash.

"You can either climb up with your hands or use anything from that pile to get you up there" the pile had a giant MUTANT COCKROACH!!! A horn rang to alert us the challenge had startes.

We ran to climb the wall, I held on with both hands and started to climb, until I realised I was wearing a skirt...

Okay I have to be extra careful, I climbed and climbed. Zoey, Mike, and Cameron had caught up to me and we headed up together.

I reached for the next ledge only to watch it crumble. I slipped but I found a hand on my waist securing me.

"Watch your step, Y/n right?" it was Mike

"I will, Mike right?"

"Yeah" he smiled and climbed near me as to look after me.


"Mike just saved me! I was so scared, I really thought I was gonna fall to my death there"

She looked to the ground and hugged herself,

"Mike's so, I mean he would have saved anyone ~sigh~ "

She blushed a bit
"Don't look at me like that!" and left the confessional.


We climbed up only to find we had lost the first part of the challenge. Now to the second!

 Now to the second!

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Part 2.

We were in the snow and it was freezing, since the toxic rats won the first part they got to pick ice forts first. And surprisingly we got the castle!

"Listen up, you can use the shovels in each of your forts to aim the mystery snowballs at the other team, but choose wisely because some snowballs can hurt you"

Our team decided Anne Maria, Zoey, me and Brick would go get the other teams flag, and the rest would stay and protect the fort.

We started to run but the other team was aiming snowballs so we used Anne Maria's hair as a shield.

Until Mike or "Svetlana" came launching out of our fort and into the other teams, we followed and saw "Vito"? Mike with his shirt off and he had the other teams flag! I started running back to the our fort as Mike continued his show,

"Mike let's go-!" Zoey said as she held Vito's hand but was rejected,

"Eh yo pasty! you want to touch the Vito you gotta make an appointment" he said in an Italian accent.

"Oh that's what I'm talking about!" Anne Maria cheered

"Ugh this is taking to much time!" I looked back and turned around " Hey Vito the flag!" I yelled holding my hands up.

"Coming your way beautiful!" He threw the pole and I caught it running to our castle just as the other teams for melted completely somehow.

"Yeah!!!" Our team celebrated as we went to camp.

"Wait did he say beautiful?" She leaned back in disbelief.


Another safe night for team Mutant Maggots.

B was voted off tonight, but it should have been Scott....

I hope uu enjoy the interactions between Mike and you!!




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