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Chapter 6 Part

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Chapter 6

"Is it our turn yet?" An impatient Cameron asked as he and Mike stood outside the communal bathrooms.

"Ah, keep your panties on." Anne Maria called to the boys standing outside. Now turning to the other three girls inside, particularly Zoey. "Yeesh nice hair" She giggled

"I think Zoey's hair looks cut-" Anne Maria started to spray her own hair, not letting me finish my statement.

"Now this is how you do hair" she tapped her hair and it was hard as a rock.

Then Jo decides to show us her hair routine. Which turn out to be shaving her hair.

"Okay, but I like to make a point on how I do my hair" I brush through my hair gently and once any knots are undone, I get out my curling iron and curl my hair into some cute beachy waves.

"Then add a little hair spray to keep it there and there you go!" I smile as I flip my hair and it shines with a light bounce.

"Woah ..." Jo and Zoey mumble, and Anne Maria looks entranced by my hair until she snaps out of it.

"Ugh" she grumbles.


"Its challenge time! Meet me on the other side of the island!" The megaphone screeched out.

We walked to a set of wood bleachers with flags of each team on either side.

"Hey Y/n your hair looks nice" Mike told me as we sat down

"Thanks Mike"

"Oh, and does your 'character' Vito like Anne Maria's hair?" Zoey butt in.

Zoey: " I really thought mike was a nice guy. But its either me or Anne Maria, and now Y/n is in the mix? Pick a side okay."

Mike:" My multiple personality disorder is really messing things up with Zoey, especially with Vito. I never thought I'd have so much trouble keeping my shirt on! And I was just trying to be nice to Y/n, she seemed like a nice person when I talked to her yesterday *sigh*"


"Its not like that" Mike said

"Guys, how about not fighting before a challenge" I cut in.

"Welcome to your challenge! The Weird and Wild Fashion Spectacular~!"

"That's it, now your talking" Anne Maria gushed

"Fashion what a waste of time" Jo said uninterested

"So says the girl in men's prison sweats"

"No one need to be reminded that I'm a girl"

Total Drama Mike x (Female)ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now