Oh boy your Heavy

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Anna's point of view:
After I ended the call, I felt this terrible feeling in my chest that I did something wrong. But I kept reminding myself it's for the best. But my eyes kept glancing down to the heart on the wall, which reminded me of the heartache I was feeling in my chest. 'Was I To harsh? To end it all?No I wasn't it's for the best anyway.' I reminded myself as I started to fall a sleep.
        "Who are you texting?" Jass asked me, As we were sitting on the bus heading to my place.

"Oh no one." I told her as I hid my phone from view. Lately since I've woken up this morning I was having doubts about how I ended things with John, so I decided to text John in the morning saying I'm sorry. But he never replied, and I don't know why? Is he mad at me? Is the message not coming through? These were worries that I was thinking about while hanging with Jass on the bus.

"Hello earth to Anna !" Jass yells at me.

"Sorry What?" I said while coming back to earth.

"Wow, that guy must be something. If your distracted like that!" Jass says while laughing.

"Ah? Don't? Ah don't know what your talking about." I say while trying not to blush.

"Sure, well let's see this mysterious conversation. Come on let's see." Jass says as she held out her hand. 'Do I want Jass to see the conversation or no?' I thought when out of no where Jass stole my phone and got off the bus. 'That little witch!' I thought as I quickly payed the bus driver and chased after my friend while laughing.

"Jasmine Sara Pan give me my Phone Back! You witch." I yelled to Jass, while chasing her.

"Why? Don't want me to find out about John? Uh?" Jass says as I can see her reading the text messages while running. 'Seriously? How does she even run and read at the same time?' I thought while shaking my head and running faster. Before I even knew it, I caught up to Jass as I ripped the phone out of her hand.

"Ha, caught Yea. What do you have to say about that?" I say while sticking my tongue out at her. But she didn't even react to my foolishness, instead she kept looking at something. So deciding to see what she was looking at, looking straight I realized that we were at my apartment but there was a guy just laying there on my porch. I recognize him right away it was no one else than John Lennon him self on my porch. So quickly I ran to him while my friend stared at me.

"John? Hey can you hear me?" I say while carefully putting my hand on his chest. 'Oh my goodness, I'm actually touching John freaking Lennon!' I thought.

"Anna, that's? That's?" Jass started to say.

"Yea, it's John Lennon. Now can you help me move him to the couch. Please." I say while giving Jass a pleading look which snapped her in action. Quickly and carefully we lifted John Lennon up. Jass holding his hands and me holding his feet. 'Oh boy you are sure heavy John.' I thought as we carefully opened the door and put him on the couch and wondering how on earth did John Lennon come to the future.
The end! Hopefully you like this one. Thanks for voting and commenting! 🙌🏻😊

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