Texting? Proof?

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2018 Anna:
Quickly ran on to the porch, after my long jog, a nice long jog helps me clear my mind. I was about to walk into my house when I saw a another old letter. So quickly I grabbed it and read it as I came in the house. As I opened the letter an old newspaper came out and landed on the floor. Quickly picking it off the ground the first thing I saw was the date, March 30th 1963. "Ok, I guess this is real.' I thought as I read the rest of the letter. 'He wants proof he will get proof.' I thought as I quickly grabbed my keys and went to the closest store. Seriously can't believe I am doing this.
I came back from the store with a small smart phone, and some pictures of myself and my dog and quickly put them in the envelope as I wrote the letter.
Dear John,
Ok I believe your real. But you have to understand John, seeing a letter from the past is a little mind boggling. Now I sent you some pictures of myself and my dog Jack. I think if we are gonna do this then you need to know what I look like. Right? Anyway there's also a phone in there too. It's a smart phone, which means you can hopefully text me back and call me. There's a small book in there too of how to use it. I already programmed my number in there. So hopefully my idea works. But please John don't tell or show anyone besides your mates about it. We don't need the phone to come out a decade sooner. If I find out it as John then there will be hell. But hopefully that's enough proof for you.
Ps. Happy I am using your ps. And these () are called parentheses. By the way! ;)

I stopped writing and quickly put it in the envelope and send it in the mail box. I was about to go Inside when my phone beeped.

"You know how long, this took me to figure out? Anna? Uh do yea? This is John by the way. You sure look beautiful in your pictures." John sent. 'Oh my god! It worked.' I thought as I was freaking out and blushing.

"Can't believe this is working John. And thank. You don't look half bad either.😉" I sent back laughing at my self.

"Wait what are those things?" John sent.

"Their called emoji's there should be a smiley face down in the left hand screen." I sent back laughing at John.

"Found them!😎😁🙀these are so cool, the future is cool!😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃" John sent. 'Oh no what have I done? I got John hooked on Emoijs. Help us all.' I thought as I hit my head.

"John, enough with the emoijs. Will Yea?" I sent back.

"Why there fun. This phonny is fun. But me mates are calling me. Can I call you tonight? I would really like to hear what you sound like?" John sent.

"Yea, I would like that. John. Tell Paul and George and ringo I say hi." I sent back shaking my head. Who would of thought that a simple dare will turn out into me writing letters and texting John Lennon?
End of chapter. Let me know what you think. Thanks for the votes and the reads.🙌🏻😊✌🏻

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