Oh John where did you go?

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'I couldn't believe me own eyes. One minute John was there on his porch and next he's gone. Vanished before me very eyes. Oh Brian isn't gonna like this! Not one bit. We leave on tour in ten days! Oh boy what do I do!' Paul though, while putting his hands through his hair. 'I gotta tell the boys. Oh what am I going to do?' Paul though as he walked with a passion to George's house.

"George you home? Got some bad news." Paul says while knocking on the door.

"What's the bad news paul? And hello to you too." George says while ringo sneaked a Peak.

"Johns gone! He vanished before me eyes. What do we do?" Paul says freaking out.

"Johns gone? But where is he paul?" Ringo asked.

"I think he's in the future ringo! Oh what is Brian Gonna think?" Paul says while rubbing his head.

"Here's what we are gonna do but first get your butt in here paul." George says while moving to let paul in. Soon George, ringo and Paul sat down in the living room, George told them his plan.

"Listen here's what we are gonna do. We aren't gonna tell Brian anything besides the fact johns away on holiday. And he'll be back before we go one tour. And then we wait till John comes back." George says.

"And if he doesn't comeback?" Ringo asked.

"Then we're doomed." Paul says while everyone silently agreed with Paul. Cause without John how are they gonna make it on their own?
The end. I know this is a small chapter, but the next one will be longer this is just setting things up. 🙌🏻😊😊😊😊

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