The kiss

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Once we got home, John mediately went to the couch and played his guitar. 'Figures leave me with all these groceries and your clothes John.' I thought while shaking my head. As I started to put the groceries away I could here the beginning part of P.S I love you.

"As I write this letter, send my love to you, Remember that I'll always be in love with you, Treasure these few, words till we're together, Keep all my love forever" John started to sing while I hum along thinking about how this song perfectly sums up my life with John right now.

"P.S. I love you, you, you, you I'll be coming home again to you, love And till the day I do love P.S. I love you, you, you, you" I sang until I noticed something on the ground close to jacks bed. Bending down and picking it up I realized it was a letter. With my name on it.

"Why did stop? Love you have a lovely voice." John says while coming over by me.

"Ah I was wondering where that went." John says while pointing to the letter.

"What do you mean John?" I asked with a shocked look on my face.

"When you ended the phone call, you could say I got angry at the phone, busted it. Actually Paul was the one who told me to write down how much I care for Yea." John says while brushing my hair away. Just as before the sparks from the other day returned as johns fingers lingered on cheek for more than a couple seconds.

"Anyway I was walking down London trying to clear me head when I saw something that reminded me of you." John says while taking the letter from my hand and slowly opened it up and pulled out the most beautiful golden heart shaped locket with a diamond in the corner. Quickly putting my hands by my mouth in a shocked face, I couldn't believe that John got me something from the past. I absolutely loved it.

"Oh John it's lovely. I love it." I say as I saw John smiling at me.

"May I." John asked while holding the necklace as I nodded. Slowly John wrapped the necklace around my neck and slowly let it fall on to my chest. As John stared into my eyes I could feel us slowly getting closer together. Our body's touching, our lips so close but yet so far. 'Oh why do I wanna feel your lips on mine. Why are you so bloody handsome John freaking Lennon.' I thought as I took air from John as he took air from me. Then by some magic force our lips touched and it was the most amazing feeling that I've ever felt in my entire life. It's like the sparks turned into blasting fireworks, Trying to burn your skin but at the same time cooling it down. Just as The kiss started it stoped as we both stayed staring at each other. Neither of us saying anything but saying everything at the same moment. In this exact moment I realized that I'm falling for John. And it's the most amazing and worst feeling of my life.
The end. Hope you like this chapter. And they kissed! Now it's getting good.😎😉😊 Anyway thanks for voting and commenting. Love seeing all your comments!😊

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